Emotions don't lie

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Hey readers as promised I'm back with another update, n thanks all of you who voted n share your thoughts with me, you people inspire me to write more, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all fellow readers
Here's next update

Pragya POV
Today it's been seven days, one whole week, Mr Mehra has not spoken anything logical, he is been wired ...whole week, I know something is cooking n for that matter my mom too, she too eating my head with her annoying Q&A games as if she too hiding something from me. Sometime I think it's me, who is been wired, otherwise how can all of them change at same time, I'm pretty sure it must be me who changed
It was last week, when after movie he offered to drop me home, it's was not for the first time m, he was dropping me but there was something unusual about it this time, something different happened for the first time, he was continually watching rare view mirror of the car or his wrist watch or on road, n again at mirror, for second I thought he is ignoring making any kind of eye contact with me. It was not that I was totally checking him out or continually staring at him but every time I glance at him he tried to avoid contact n when I look at him, he would look somewhere else n then again he looks back at me, when I'm looking in opposites Direction. I maybe wrong but according to my knowledge it happened like this only
And when finally we reached my apartment, he insisted to accompany me till I reach fifth floor, n open door of my house n I get inside, he told he wanted to make sure I'm safe, this was for the first time he was so concerned, in past every time he dropped me at main gate of my building but today was different
As gesture I asked him to come inside and have coffee, he instantly agreed as he loves my special coffee
He makes himself comfortable on couch, reading something random from magazine laying around, I changed into pyjamas while coffee was brewing with cinnamon, secret ingredient of my special coffee.
As I walk into living room with two mugs, I saw him still lost in reading magazine very closely
I just cough purposely sinking his attention
"What is so interesting" I pointed at magazine
"Nothing special, but this article about love, 'can love happen twice??' caught my attention, can people fall in love again, is it possible??"
It was more like He was questioning to himself, not wanting anyone's  answer, he just mummers to himself, it was little louder, i heard his second sentence. I was amused, I always thought he would get married again as once his mom, who was close to me told, he married maya only because his younger brother cheated and than abandoned her when she was five months pregnant, he never came back, she was not able to abort babies as she crossed 20 weeks, he did try to work this marriage but maya , poor soul went into depression, n slowly lost herself in life, but he really bonds with kids from day one, I saw myself when I worked for first three years, once he requested I teach kids more then just joy of reading, n I thought only for kids he might get married again,
"Are you alright ??" With his words, I came back to reality
He can see some kind of anxiousness in my eyes
"Yes, I was just thinking, why are you running from yourself" I wanted to scream at him but all I could mumbled
"Yes, it's just I was thinking kids now days grow up so fast, n independent"
He still doesn't take my hint n cuts in
"Arya n Veer are always going to be babies to me, I don't think they can manage things by themselves, n anyways thanks for coffee" he finishes his last sip and starts to walk n I instantly called out to him
"Mr Mehra"
He responded quickly
"Yes, Mrs Mehra"
There was awkward silence
"Your car keys, you forgot" I reminded
"Ohh yes"
He takes immediately, I can see how much embarrassed he was n he Stormed out from my house,
I closed door n went straight to my bedroom, some how still those words echoed inside my mind "Mrs Mehra", it happened his habit when I joined again, coming back after 2 years from Delhi, it took me almost year, when I finally found courage to tell I'm no more Mrs Mehra, I have filed for divorce, he was very concern n asked what went wrong??,
I explained
"I don't know what was I thinking when I decided to marry Suresh, we just dated for about month and we got married without telling our parents, and soon started planning for baby, no one was getting younger we thought. Within year, we came to know, it was me, I can never conceive again"
Mr Mehra try to make me understand through this, he even talk to Suresh that we can adopt child but he in return insulted Mr Mehra saying, "Why don't you marry her, she is good in bed, in a way you already have kids n she can't have of her own"
I explained further to Mr Mehra that everything changed, there was constant abusing, mental and physical torture n violence, I was not able to take anymore. I can never in my dream also can go back to Suresh. I hardly spoke to my mother back then,
n now again everything was turning back to normal, I felt very thing was falling into places, and I return to my old job, I love his kids, they are naughty yet brilliant in everything they do , n how always eager to learn something new each day, how fast it's been these three years
My thoughts get distracted when I receive call from my mom, that she was waiting at airport from past one hour
"Ohh god, I was awake whole night thinking all about Mr Mehra n kids," I talk to myself
I changed in something casual, quickly went to airport, she was in town for three days, one of her cousin sister's daughter marriage
Moment we came back, I hit bed n dose off, someone rang bell, it was around 10am, I was still in bed, thinking of ideas of project work for kids in school, I was feeling too lazy to answer door, so mom did, when she didn't came to bother me, so I thought it must be courier boy or something
There was pin drop silence for sometime and suddenly I heard Arya n Veer blasting into my room, they did inform that Mr Mehra also came but I thought it maybe just to drop kids, It didn't click me that mom is also there, she won't leave anyone easily, she always want to gossip something or other, that's only reason me n my mom don't get along much
Soon after sometime we went out finishing our project, suddenly I lost colour n looked pale, I saw him talking to mom, I knew mom being mom, definitely talking about my divorce or asking for someone she can get me married to, just then a horrible thought popped into my mind, "what if she asked him to marry me, I can't be again Mrs Mehra"
While I was making lemonade for all of us, moment I came out of kitchen Arya gave me body crushing hug, I wonder what was that for, My eyes fell on my mom, she was giving cold look to him, n suddenly out of nowhere he spoke as if giving a speech
"Ohh I forgot to introduce them, they are my ten years old twin kids, Arya is too smart for her age n Veer is too mischievous for his age, after maya's death, my mother came to stay with us, to take care of me n kids, but even she left us when they were seven years, at that same time Mrs Mehra came into our life again"
He did mumbled last sentence but I did hear it,
These two days were weirdest of my life n of course following week too

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