「 New Friends 」

Start from the beginning


She laughed, waving her joke aside knowing it wasn't the best time to be cracking them. Then, her nonchalance slipped from her features and she brought her face closer to Haruka's.

"Did you. . . at least know? That they liked you?"

Haruka squared her shoulders, momentary surprise coating her features. Her gaze shifted between her and you, only for her cheeks to gain a rosy tint. Her mouth primmed together and she dropped her head.

"I. . . Um, I. . ."

"I. . ." Tomochika echoed, hanging onto her every word.

Truthfully, you were on the edge of your seat as well. Having STARISH alone was incredulous as it was, but it was only yesterday you learned QUARTET NIGHT had feelings for her as well. Haruka was living every girl's dream in that sense. Though, with so many boys pining after her, she had to have caught a hint about someone at some point, right?

Haruka remained tripping over her words.

"I, um. . ." It was almost as if the idea was driving her crazy. You could imagine her eyes taking the shapes of swirls, proving how much the prospect was picking away at her sanity. Then, without warning, Haruka launched to her feet, face bleeding red. "I—I have to get composing! Excuse me!"

"Haruka!" Tomochika called after her, but she was long gone, barrelling outside of the bedroom in as much haste as a headless chicken.

Silence encased the room and after her lips fell into a flat line, Tomochika emitted a loud sigh. She framed her stunning pinkish-purple eyes in your direction and shrugged.

"I always had a feeling those boys liked her, but I didn't think it was this bad. Poor Haruka. . . This all must be so hard for her."

Yeah. . . Sure one could imagine having such a scenario occur to them would be a dream come true, but actually being on the receiving end of all those talented boys' affection must've been extremely overwhelming. Let alone this heavy burden of STARISH's possible disbandment resting on her shoulders, too.

"Have you ever had a situation like this happen to you, (First Name)?" When met with a swift head shake, Tomochika dryly smiled. "I didn't think so. We're both as unloved as can be. Then again, with the no love rule gone, that can definitely change."

You cracked a smile. She was definitely the opposite of Haruka; a natural social butterfly. "Are you an idol, Tomo?"

"Yup," she responded with newfound energy. "I stay with my mentor at their apartment. That's why I can't come over here as much as I want, especially now when Haruka needs someone most."

"I wish things didn't have to be so complicated," you agreed.

Tomochika rose to her feet, crossing her arms behind her back. "I'm guessing since you can say that, you haven't interacted with STARISH lately either, huh?"

"They're never around much in the Master Course," you replied. "And if they are, they're usually confined to their rooms. Plus I'm usually busy accompanying Haruka to the music rooms or trying to arrange her compositions."

"I bet you wish you joined this agency at a better time," Tomochika chuckled. "Not when all this nonsensical drama is going on. Maybe if the President agrees to it one day, you can work with my composer Yajima-kun and arrange one of my songs for me."

"That would definitely be a lot of fun! Let's do it."

"Ooh, someone's optimistic. I like you already."

You shared a laugh. Then, ever so slowly, Tomochika gandered at Haruka's wall above her bed, and gained a distant look in her eye.

"You know," she whispered, "Haruka used to idolize Tokiya. HAYATO, to be exact. She had this huge poster of him back when we were still students at Saotome Academy. Hung it right up before she even finished unpacking the rest of her clothes. She was so proud to tell me he was the reason she decided to enrol at Saotome Academy in the first place."

"Really?" you asked.

"Really," she replied. "So imagine the shock she had when she learned they were the same person, more so when the guy himself requested to partner up with her to graduate. You'd imagine getting to be in a romantic relationship with him after so long would be like a dream come true for her, and yet somehow. . ."

"She. . . can't be happy."

Tomochika wistfully nodded. "Although it might've started with just Tokiya, STARISH is like Haruka's whole world now. Knowing she could be the cause of their breakup is eating away at her. But I want her to be happy, you know? She's come so far."

Tomochika secured her bag on her shoulder and appropriately faced you. She'd gotten all that she wanted off her chest, proven by her now radiant smile.

"Haruka tends to hole herself up composing when she has a lot on her mind. I bet she even forgot to eat breakfast today." Shaking her head, she beckoned over her shoulder. "I think I'll go drag her out to grab some breakfast with me before I head off for work. Want to come, (First Name)?"

"That's all right," you responded, rising to your feet to approach your desk and clipboard of Haruka's latest compositions. "I think I'll stick around to get some work done instead. Maybe next time."

"Sorry for being so dark and serious today," she said, heels clacking as she turned toward the door. Her voice was just as boisterous leaving. "I swear, the next time I'm free I'm taking the two of you somewhere to have actual fun. It was nice meeting you!"

You waved and she cheerfully returned one before making her way out of the room and down the hall. You stared silently at the song at the top of the pile—QUARTET NIGHT's, the one that was rejected in such a flurry. Then, carefully, you lifted the pile of songs until your eyes settled on the last one. There wasn't a legitimate title, but it was for sure one of the best. Possibly because Haruka had wrote it before all this drama broke out.

With a sigh, you fell into the seat of your desk. Picking up your cell, you eyed your screensaver. Ren and Otoya smiling handsomely and you awkwardly standing in the middle with a smile of your own. Your first encounter felt so long ago. Lately everything in your life was muffled with all that was going on that you hadn't really allowed the reality of it all to sink in yet.

You were actually living under the same roof with the band you loved dearly, and yet everyone was drowning in this sorrow you could do nothing about.

Reiji made it clear to you that STARISH had to handle it themselves, but in your opinion, you didn't know how much longer that would take to sort out. It'd already been a little over a week and no progress had emerged. You barely even saw your beloved idols. Truthfully, even if you were to see them, you wouldn't know what kind of face to make or what to say.

This wasn't your business to meddle in, sure, but it affected you nonetheless. And you wanted to do something about it. Fix this all, for them.

So, gulping back all the fear wedged deep in your gut, you unlocked your cell and dialled your most recently saved number. Ignoring your apprehension, you brought it to your ear and waited for a response.

It came before long.

"Hello? Ringo? I know this is going to sound really strange, but I wanted to ask if the due date has already passed to accept that movie deal. . ."

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