「 Re-encounter 」

Start from the beginning

Simply rerunning that afternoon of your encounter in your head only managed to worsen your mood.

Was STARISH really going to break up? But for what reason? Ren had said something about a girl. . .

Anxiously, you wrung your hands.

What exactly did he mean?

"(First Name)?"

You snapped from your thoughts to find a frown settled upon your friend's lips.

"Look, I don't know what might've happened, but you don't have to keep it all to yourself, you know."

You nodded with a grateful smile. "I know."

"Good." Returning a grin of their own, they rose to their feet. "I have to get going now but it was fun meeting up like this."

You stood as well, meeting their eyes with sudden guilt. "Sorry, (Name). I made this meet up such a drag."

"Don't worry about it." They shrugged it aside. "You're headed to that Master Course building, aren't you? Good luck."

Your gut clenched a bit in remembrance. "I have a feeling I'm going to need that. . ."

"I'd imagine," they laughed. "You may be able to meet STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT; figure out why they've suddenly gone so quiet."

"Yeah. . ."

They jostled your arm. "C'mon, I know you can do it, (First Name)! Be the fangirl that you are and enjoy every minute of those handsome idols' living and breathing in the same building you'll be in. Imagine all the opportunities you'll have to take some drool-worthy pictures for me. I know you want some, too."

Gripping the area they had softly nudged, you produced a hearty laugh. "But of course," you played along as a smirk pinned up your mouth. "If I'll be associating myself countless of hot, talented men, I may just have the chance of being the main character of my own harem."


Stepping up to the large building dubbed the 'Master Course', your heart pounded like a drill in your chest. You were nervous—utterly. But more so, there was a tiny tug in your chest that proved your excitement. In only a short while, you would be able to meet your beloved idols. Just imagining that. . .

You quickly shook your head to rid your forming thoughts. As fun as daydreaming the possibilities was, it was better to actually enter the building and make those dreams a reality.

Swallowing hard, you reached for the door handle. Shining Saotome had told you this morning to simply enter when you arrived and that Haruka Nanami would be waiting to greet you.

You twisted the knob, sure of that plan, but right as you did the door came swinging outwards. You lurched away in time for the door to skim your face. Your neck jerked up/down to find the owner.

When his awing jade green eyes met yours, you went still. Your mouth fell considerably as the olive skinned male turned your way, eyelids rising in the act. A grey t-shirt framed his body, clinging tightly enough to bring the shape of his abs to light. He also wore a pair of black jeans and polished sneakers. His dark hair was mousy, strands messily clinging to his forehead, but it only served to add to the entirety of his cryptic aura.

It was a fact nonetheless that your mind had gone completely gaga.

It was Cecil Aijima. The Cecil from STARISH. And holy moly was he gorgeous!

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