Chapter 8: Torn

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I kiss him back until I start to think again. Images flash through my mind of my father's hand striking out and me locked in a closet for so long that I've pounded my fists bloody. I feel the blood running down my arms and a gasp escapes me as I jerk away from Kade. The beautiful moment is forgotten as my chest heaves and I gasp for breath. Kade has pulled back and his eyes are looking into mine warily. I blink and my hands grasp my upper arms as I stare into his hazel eyes. He reaches out to touch my cheek, I think, and I flinch, still lost in memories. He sees it and his hand drops to his side as his eyes flash blue. I winch, knowing that his eyes flash blue when he's angry. When he speaks his voice is tight and controlled as he reaches behind him and pulls on a shirt that laying on the kitchen table. I sigh at the loss.

"What do you want Ash? I assume you came here for a reason?" I nod and bite my lip, unsure of how to continue. "I haven't got all day Ash." I pale at his words and my heart stutters in my chest as I start to shake. He'd always say that right before he hit me. "ASH!" I blink and Kade is there, right in front of me, his hands on either side of my face. I know it's him but I don't. My chest is heaving as I struggle to breath. I pull back, needing to get away, knowing I'm fixing to have an attack. I speak as I rip his front door open.

"Give me a minute." Then I'm outside the door and around the corner of his building. My world greys around the edges as I struggle to get enough air into my lungs. Then slowly I start to remember and the night comes back into focus. I'm sitting on the ground curled into a ball around the corner from Kade's apartment. I'm unclear on how to explain my hasty exit but I'll have to think of something. Maybe I can tell him...

"That was an extraordinary panic attack but I bet I can do you one better." My head jerks up to see a guy standing directly in front of me. His arms are crossed over his chest as he looms over me. His face is pale against his black shaggy hair. A black brow lifts from behind the sunglasses hiding his face as I gape up at him. My shoulders slam into the wall behind me as I leap to my feet. He doesn't move just watches my face as I struggle not to panic.

"Who are you?" He chuckles and pushes his sunglasses up into his hair so I'm left to stare into huge grey orbs. I gasp and shudder as he smirks at me. He doesn't have pupils, his eyes are just enveloped in grey.

"I am Puca or you can call me Phelan, Jarek's newest assassin. So be a good lass and tell me how to find yer island and yer cousin." I looked around for something to use as a weapon as I speak but all I see are buildings, empty streets and sidewalks.

"Your name means wolf, right?"

"Aye lass but what ye should really be thinking is why I shouldna let a Puca touch me." I blink as his hand grasps my left shoulder and I feel reality shift. Darkness blinds me for a minute and I start to panic until I realize I have closed my eyes. Warily I open them to see Phelan isn't standing before me clutching my shoulder anymore. He is. My father. I stared into eyes bluer than the Caribbean sea as his hand reached up to stroke my cheek. I whimper as his hand drifts down to my throat and encompasses it. I turn my face away.

"Don't please....not again....don't..." I start shaking so badly teeth are chattering. I bite my lip as he leans in and speaks. Funny he sounded like Phelan.

"That's a good lass. Yer fear will feed me nice and proper it will." I slam my head into the brick wall behind me as his lips land on my throat. I slam my head again, trying to knock myself out. I can't be awake for this. I can't do it again but I can't knock myself out for some reason. So I squeeze my eyes shut and struggle to find my happy place. Then he isn't touching me anymore and a different voice is speaking to me.

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