The Weight of Magic S2 E3

Start from the beginning

Father went to say something but Arthur walked in with several other guards at that moment.

"The guards have completed their search of the castle, there's no trace of her," Arthur told us.

"Encircle the city. No one gets in or out," father said.

"You sent for me, Sire," Gaius said, also walking into the room.

"Yes. What time did you deliver the sleeping draught to Morgana?" father asked. By the looks of it Gaius hadn't given any remedy to Morgana last night.

"The guards said that Merlin delivered it after she retired to her chambers," Arthur said.

"So, she was safe then?" father asked.

"Yes. Yes, she was," I informed father, and I could sense Gaius staring at me.


Three hours had passed since I had been summoned to Morgana's room and we were now in the great hall. I was stood to the left side of the room and was leaning against one of the pillars. Across from me was Merlin and Gaius and Arthur was stood just in front of them. Along both sides were all the Knights of Camelot. We were all waiting for father to make an appearance.

When he finally did he looked absolutely stressed out.

"Have all the suspects been arrested?" father asked.

"Nearly. A few have gone to ground," Arthur said.

"Issue a proclamation. All the prisoners will be executed unless the Lady Morgana is returned to Camelot," father announced, making me stand up straight and look over at Merlin.

"You can't be serious?" I asked.

"My Ward is missing. I will go to any lengths to bring her home safely," father replied.

"By executing tons of innocent people?" I asked.

"They are friends of those with magic. They are far from innocent. That is my final word," he said before turning to leave.

"I'll see to it, Sire," Arthur nodded, making me turn to him in disbelief.

"Arthur, you have to put a stop to this," I told him angrily.

"I have no choice," Arthur replied.

"No choice? No choice? You are the heir to the throne for goodness sake," I exclaimed.

"Exactly. I am the heir to the throne so I must do what is necessary," Arthur said before he, too, left.


The next morning, once again, I was called to an area of the castle. Well, today it was more like the outside. From the centre of the castle there was a tunnel that led out of the town. It had been locked up for as long as I can remember but somehow last night it had been broken. I had my suspicions about who had broken it but there were doubts in my mind because I thought I would have known.

"There's some confusion as to how that was broken by the looks of the scorch marks..." Arthur began, as father looked down the tunnel.

"There is no confusion. It was magic. The same magic that was used to start the fire in Morgana's chambers," father predicted.

"How can you be sure?" I asked.

"I just am," he replied. "Where does the trail lead?"

"To the forest of Ascetir," Arthur told him.

"I've long suspected that the Druids have hidden there," father muttered. 

"The trail will lead us straight to them," Arthur assured him.

"Take no prisoners. It is time to rid ourselves of these Druids once and for all," father said before leaving.

I could sense Gaius looking at me so I looked back and just shook my head. It was obvious what had happened; Merlin had gone looking for Morgana and accidently led us straight to them.

"Where's Merlin?" Arthur suddenly asked.

"He's not well," Gaius told him.

"He's still upset about Morgana, isn't he?" Arthur asked, and don't think I didn't notice the sideways glance he sent me.

"We all are," Gaius replied.

"Tell him to stop pining, pull himself together and get back to work," Arthur said, making me roll my eyes at his insensitivity.

I just hope that Merlin gets to the Druids before father and the Knights do.

1262 Words

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