Chapter 14: Secret

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes, I'm not going to ruin between you and T but I feel like Bella has a crush on him" They looked at them while Rocky was smoking.

"Damn girl, that's your man right there" He puffed.

"I don't care what's between them, we're just friends after all. If he felt the same with Bella then let them be" Cali said and ate the chips from the table.

"Jell-o" Rocky and Kendall fist-bomb quietly

After an hour they forbid their good byes and went home, the whole drive was quiet. Tyler noticed it, he thought that Cali was just tired from work and didn't bother her.

She was about to leave when he locked the door, Cali gave him a glare "T, I need to get inside" She was irritated.

"Why are you like that? I'm not used to it"

"Not now, please—"

"You will not leave the car unless you explain your side" He raised his voice.

"I'm uncomfortable with Bella, satisfied now?" She quickly press the button to unlock the door and went inside her house.

Tyler heard the a loud bang when she closed the door, he threw a punch at the steering wheel and massaged his temples.

He called Frank what happened to them to ease of the anger that they felt.

: Hello?

"Dude,  I messed up, again, maybe?"

: Why?

"We went to Kendall's house a while ago, me, Rakim and Bella were there. She was fine at the first couple of hours then when I dropped her off she got mad at me"

: What did she say?

"She said the she's uncomfortable with Bella" He sighed as Frank let out a laugh through the call.

: Oh god, let me wipe my tears for a sec. You know why she's like that?


: She's probably jell-o ace

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

: The fuck! she's jealous nigga anddddd I'm going to your place, this is important

Frank dropped the call as Tyler's phone vibrated receiving a message from an unknown number.

Good day Tyler! It's me Tita, Cali's mom, I would like to invite you to dinner tomorrow night at 8 pm, hope you'll come

After a minute, there was a knock on the door Frank came in holding a covered clothes on his arm.

"What's that for?"

"It's for the party at Tita's" as he placed it at the empty chair "blue and black or blue and pink?"

"Blue and pink, wait a minute, party? She said it was a dinner?" He asked with confusion.

"It's not just a party nigga, it's a classic party for stinking rich people" Tyler gave him a face.

"Don't tell me Cali haven't tell you?"

"What tell?"Frank sat down

"Callista is the daughter of a billionaire businessman slash doctors in Asia. The Roberts are the richest family in Singapore even though both of her parents are doctors they still managed to be a business, it's in their blood"

"The fuck! really? wait I'm confuse it all got me fucking twisted"

"Okay okay I'll explain it, Cali's mom was from the well known wealthy family in Philippines, she became a doctor here in US and met Cali's dad, they moved to Singapore. They both started to make a business about some real state and stuffs with the help of Tita's parents, their business grow making them the most richest family. Cali's brother is in charge on their business this day"

"What the fuck, Callista had a brother?"

"Yeah she has, he's probably in 30's now, I thought you know since the two of you are—"

"I don't quite remember, we're so fucking young that time. I haven't meet them"

"That's why she invited you for later, to meet them"

"I'm nervous, I don't know what to do and I don't know what to wear" Tyler massage his temples.

"Just wear something connected to the nineteen hundred's theme"

"About Callista"

"Why would she be jealous if she don't care about my feelings?" He continued.

"Do you remember the signs? does she gave you?" Frank asked as Tyler was trying to remember, he shake his head a sign of no.

"Then wait for it, if she gave you, she cares about you" as Frank closed the door and left Tyler confused.

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