Part 30 : We're In Trouble

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I wondered around the hotel keeping an eye on this and that playing with the skirt of my dress as I walked but I stopped short as I noticed something chess review. I had always kept an eye on it in case beth or benny turned up in it as the two of them often did, But my eyes caught something I didn't imagine behind the picture of some chess master on the cover a headline title. I picked the magazine from the rack reading the headlines

"Interview with masters-

New waves in Russia-

King laying and its precedence-"

Reading the other headlines on the cover until I saw

"Benny Watts and Y/n Harmon, Rumors Spiral" I froze my heart beating out of my chest turning to the page it was on seeing the words cut in around Photos...

me and benny, at tournaments and championships, Him kissing my hand at the win in Austin, Him with his arm around me in Vegas, Us walking in from a day out on our Austin trip. and most worryingly A Photo snapped on the plane from Austin to New york me fast asleep on his shoulder him pressing a kiss to my head I began reading parts of the article and I felt my soul leave my body almost. 

"Often assumptions where being made about beth Harmon and Benny watts but it seems the reality is his interest in his younger Less talented sister Y/n, The two-spotted together at tournaments often between rounds and once the day is finished..." I read "...However, the rumours spiralled following the recent southern championship in Autin as the two seemed incredibly close spending the majority of there time joined at the hip even outside of the tournament going out into Austin together days before, getting dinner and shopping..." I read "The Kiss instead of a handshake shook the chess world and the media rumours..." I read "This reporter personally investigated this on the last day of the Southen Tournament and discovered thanks to a very helpful Receptionist that Benny Watts and Y/n Harmon were in fact sharing a kingsized room with one king-sized double bed for the duration of there trip which in fact lasted more than a week before the start of the championship and quote 'Took dinner in there room most nights' as well as this the receptionist informed me the room was booked this way for both Benny watts and Y/n Harmon in Mr Watt's name and he Qutoe 'Asked specifically for the double bed' for him and Y/n, as well as the room next to there's room 286 had made complains that same week about hearing qutoe 'Suggestive Male groaning noises' from the room during evenings, and a very helpful room service operative comfimed they where both in room 285 of evenings and where sharing the bed, and too had heard the complaint about the noise as well as quote 'hearing it myself some evenings when I was passing by the door to the room' ..." I read "could this be a Secret relationship at the top of the chess world and could this lead to an interesting Harmon a Watts team." I read but the last sentence of the article made me feel like I was going to faint 

'Or perhaps even a future Harmon and Watts Chess champion Child.' 

"Ohh fuck!" I said paying the hotel shop person for the magazine and running as fast as my feet could carry me in my little shoes over to the table benny was playing at, it just so happened he was finishing up shaking his hand media was around him a lot in fact a lot of people were, and most of them saw me arrive as benny got up and spotted me seeing how stressed I was "Uhhhhh Mr Watts A word... Please, Now" I said as hushed and hurried as I could without drawing too much attention to myself 

"what's wrong?" he asked coming away with me but I knew people were following us 

"We're in trouble"

"How so?"

"Look at this in Chess review," I said as we got sat in the bar and I showed him the magazine 

"what the fuck! where did they get these pictures? a helpful receptionist? Ohh fuck" he sighed as he read 

"They think we're fucking"

"We are fucking..."

"Yes but I didn't want them to know that... more importantly, I think beth has seen this"

"why- Ohh she did say she needed to talk to us... and she looked pissed"

"We are dead"

"yeah... I think we might be" 

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