Part 34 : News

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it felt like forever since I was at a championship, Well I had been to a few here and there but I had never plaid, still getting over what happened to me even if that felt like a long time ago now, beth was away off being world chess champion I hadn't seen her much lately, she was busy and so was I. after all moving can be very stressful, less said about moving halfway across the country, It had been one of the busiest times of my life. Still getting over what happened to me, planning for championships, booking trips for chess tournaments, Moving from my home with beth Up to new york, as well as having to Move Benny too as he couldn't really stop going to chess championships, after all, that was kinda paying for us to move so I basically had to move alone, from one end of new york to the other into our little flat well I say little it was bigger then benny's similar but twice the size at least, and all of this on top of the most stressful and exhausting thing humanly possible. 

"Oohh... You are active today aren't you" I complain as my stomach kicked, Goddam benny, He finished in me once! and I get fucking pregnant. every single time! I hadn't told him yet, I found out while he was away and honestly, I didn't want to tell him in a letter or over the phone, it didn't feel right I was wearing a rather puffy dress in the hopes my bump wouldn't be obvious to reporters or to benny when he saw me. "shhhh shh shh I know I know, it's okay we go find daddy" I smiled gently holding my tummy, this would be my last championship for a while and as luck would have it benny was also playing here and... of course in the final round who do I play against 

Y/N Harmon Vs Benny Watts

sometimes I swear people let us win just so the reporters can have a field day After we told beth... it was very hard to keep it a secret, rumours went around people constantly asking us so after a while we gave in and just said we were a couple. I went over to the table where he sat waiting for me 

"hello Honeydew" he smiled to me as I sat down 

"hello benny" I smiled back I wanted to hug him and kiss him having missed him so much since he was gone but I know he wanted to too. We sat and plaid for a while even if I wad doing my best not to look uncomfortable every time my stomach kicked I then noticed as I often did when I play benny, he was letting me win I looked at him and he gently shrugged he's up to something. I continued on anyway I mean it didn't matter which one of us one it was going towards our new house anyway either way. until I took his queen and he resined I smiled happily I won what would be my last for a while we both got up and he took my hand giving it a kiss as he always did when we plaid professionally 

"Congratulations Miss Harmon," The head of the championship said to me 

"thank you" I smiled 

"No" benny smiled to me and I was a little confused "Not Miss Harmon" 

I was confused looking at him trying desperately to read what on earth he was going on about 

"I'm sorry?" I asked very confusedly 

"not Miss Y/n Harmon" he smiled "Mrs Y/n Watts," he says getting a beautiful ring from his pocket "If... you wanted too?"

"Ohh benny" I smiled my face cracking as I began to cry tears of hug hugging him as tightly as I could, I could hear the press going insane but I didn't care I gave him the sweetest kiss I could even if I was crying when we pulled away he slipped the ring on my finger and I couldn't have been happier 

"I love you so much" he smiled to me

"I love you too" I smiled "do you always have to surprise me when you do stuff like this?"

"I like surprising you" he shrugs 

"Okay" I smiled resting my head on his chest his open shirt letting me nuzzle on his skin "But I have a surprise for you too this time" 

"Ohh what?" he asked I smiled moving his hand to my stomach as I moved back I could tell everyone in the crowd including the press knew what I was doing "Y/n..." he began and just as he did it kicked "whoa... uhhh" 

"Benny, I'm pregnant" 

"Y-Your Your Pregnant?" He asks and I nodded he pulled me tight to him kissing me with more love and passion then I think he had ever kissed me before. 

We ran off from the questions and the eyes barely letting go of each other, I was so happy I was going to get married, and he was happy too I don't think he moved his hands from my stomach at all, eventually we found a phone in the hotel lobby and of course I rang beth.

"Hello?" she asked

"Hey Beth, it's y/n" I smiled 

"Ohh Hello little sister" she smiled 

"what are you up to?" I asked

"Ohh just on a break from some press stuff, how did the championship go?" she asked

"I Won" I smiled 

"that's great" she smiled

"But uhh beth I uhh have some other news for you" 

"Ohh what?"

"Benny and I are engaged" I smiled 

"You what!"

"We're engaged, We're gonna get married"

"Tell him I hate him even more," she says 

"she says-" I began

"I heard her" He answered 

"I'm allowed to hate him if he's my brother in law" 

"I know I know" I laughed 

"Well that's great, Guess I should come down to new york? see the new place and help planning the wedding"

"Yeah that will be lovely" I smiled "But uhh there is one more thing"

"What? what else has happened?"

"Well, beth... I'm pregnant!" 

"Your Pregnant!" she says in shock "Hand me to benny"

"Uhh okay" I smiled handing him the phone but I nuzzled close enough to hear 

"You skinny little bastard, I'm going to skin you when I get there"

"I know you are, Sister in law" he smirked to annoy her

"Uhhhh! stop it! I'll see you too soon then" she smiled before she hung up. 

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