Part 27: Call from home

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I had for once actually gotten dressed. I know a miracle well it is with Benny here I'm lucky I got I to my bra and panties before he drags me back to bed how had I managed this accomplishment I hear you ask? Well Benny went out this morning for groceries so I managed to once he left and as I sat Looking at the clean and tidy apartment the phone rang so I grabbed it 

"Hello?" I asked 

"Hello little sister" beth sighed, sounding hungover. I hadn't spoken to her much not since the Austin trip really but she was busy and... well so was I now. 

"Hey Beth, how's it going?" I asked 

"Fine, packing for my last trip" she says "how's new york?"

"I don't know... not seen much"

"You've been there two weeks?"

"Yeah well I've hardly left the flat. Practice and all" I blushed knowing I was lying I had barely touched a chess board since I got here to benny's apartment, after our first night here together we hadn't been able to keep our hands off each other but we did have years of repressed sexual urges for each other to work out so you could hardly blame us.

"Where's Benny?"

"Out, getting groceries" I smiled just at that second he walked in the door with the shopping shutting the door with his foot he went to speak but I waved the phone at him and he nodded heading to the kitchen 

"What was that?" Beth asked 

"What did they always say to Beth, talk of the devil and he shall appear?" I giggled 

"Tell him I said hi"

"Benny, beth says hi" I smiled taking the phone away a moment

"Tell her hi back" he says 

"He says hi," I smiled 

"Tell him I think he's a stupid looking pirate with a dumb knife"

"Your a stupid pirate apparently" I giggled

"Tell her she's a angry little goblin" he says 

"You're an angry little goblin apparently" I smiled "you know what anymore I'm just handing Benny the phone beth I'm not being you twos messenger" I sighed "why do you have such a problem with him beth?"

"I'm allowed to not like people" she says "and the fact he's had my sister in his house the last two weeks the other side of the country"

"Do you really not trust him?" I giggled "or me for that matter beth?"

"It's not you I don't trust y/n"

"Really you think I'm blind and stupid enough to shack up with Benny watts?' I giggled 

He leaned on the kitchen putting a hand to his chest looking heart broken but I know he's only joking so I blew him a little kiss as Beth talked about Harry who she was seeing again. I thought it was good to give her something else to focus on then chess and pills. 

"Are you coming home?" She asks as benny went back to sorting things 

"I don't know beth... it's always hard to get tickets around the holidays" 

"Y/n, I'd really rather you come home. I know you like it in new york and I'm sure it's exciting at benny's but, you haven't been home in over a month" 

"Beth, I'll try okay, but I'm safe, I'm eating, I have money, nothing bad is going to happen if I stay here"

"... Y/n, I'd you and Benny where, seeing each other. You'd tell me wouldn't you? Your my sister"

"Beth, there is absolutely nothing going on between me and Benny watts" 

"Alright," she says 

"And... I'll come home, for the holidays" I broke my heart but I knew I'd have to leave new york sometime, I didn't want to leave Benny but I didn't have much of a choice

"Alright call me when you get in"

"I will" I smiled before she hung up. I felt bad for lying to her but I knew she would flip out and probably fly all the way to New York just to punch Benny the moment she found out even a tip of the iceberg of what we had been up to. Plus I knew I had little choice if I didn't fly home. Beth would fly out here and I'd much rather go home then have her here. Being away from Benny is a small price to pay to make sure she doesn't find out about us, at home I could control much more of the situation and anything I didn't want her to know about I could leave here with Benny, where as she came here we would have to hide stuff, make it look like I've been in the living room this whole time and even if we did all that fine Benny has to keep his hands off me for a week and I don't think that would go well I'd have to not do anything sexual with him anyway so I might as well go home I'll miss his cuddles and kisses and his sweet voice but it has to be better then her coming here. And the two of them would bicker like children if she came here.

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