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Jungkook :let me take a picture first!

Jimin:Move you idiot!

Hoseok:He's so cuteeee.He looks like y/n

Jimin:no he looks like Tae

Jin:Shut up or You'll wake him up!

Namjoon:Look you woke him up!

Jin:You guys are so loud!

He started crying

Taehyung :oh baby!stop crying!I'll  beat Jungkook uncle!

I chuckled at Their words

You:Tae give him to me

He gave Taesun to me.

Yeah Taesun is our baby boy who is just 1day old

And the bts members are here to pay us and this little celebrity a visit

Army all over the world congratulated us

Taehyung cried so hard when he first saw Taesun

We are a little happy family now.3 years have been passed after that incident

We got married  2years ago.

And about my parents.They called me one day in their house.we Weren't married that time

I went their and what I heard from them was  unbelievable..... But I guessed that sometimes

Eomma told me that I am adopted. And they adopted me because my real mom was eomma's best friend and she was a single mother.

She died because of blood cancer.And told eomma to take care of me

I was just one year old that time. They also Didn't tell me the truth.

Well It's very hard when your own child commits suicide and whatever the reason is

I was connected to that suicide. So I understand them.They felt guilty about what they did to me

Eomma told me sorry so many times.I already forgave her.

And I am grateful to them that they took care of me.Moreover we should focus on the good things that happen in our life.

Bad memory only brings sadness.We should erase them

Jungkook :Yah everyone!Let's take a Group photo!

Jimin:Baby~~Taesun say cheeseee

Taesun cried more loudly

We laughed.Jungkook took a picture

Do not let the shadows of your past  darken the doorstep of your future!


pied piper ✔️[Completed]  K.T.H. FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن