Chapter 1 ~London*

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Wendy ignored them all until the last ten minutes of class. Mrs. Smith told everyone to stay in their seats and talk quietly for the remainder of class. Of course they all started to get up and sit on the desks. She pulled out Peter Pan and tried to read.

"So what did you say to Wendy, Daniel?" What? Did he want to talk to her? Wendy kept her head down and pretended she couldn't hear their conversation.

"I didn't say anything," his voice was ice cold. Wendy shivered a little. She didn't know what she did to make him this upset. She has never even talked to him before.

She wondered if it had to do with what happened at lunch. He caught her staring at him.

Wendy turned her head before she could stop herself. He glared back at her. It was an icy cold glare. What did she do?

The bell rang and Wendy jumped up and nearly ran to her locker. She turned the dial fast. She stuffed her bag and shut the locker to see Daniel had been standing behind the door.

Wendy gasped and looked at her feet. She felt like she should apologize, but she didn't want to not knowing what she did.

"Wendy, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure," Her voice cracked a little. Wendy followed him to the side of the school away from all the cars, buses, and kids. He wanted to be alone.

"Look, I'll just get straight to the point. I do not like you. I mean, what you did this morning, it was terrible. I can't believe you would do that," he said this through clenched teeth. He kept looking past her shoulder to make sure none of his friends were coming.

"I really don't know what I did," she said in a small voice continuing to look at the grass.

"That's bullshit!" Her eyes widened and Wendy looked at him alarmed. He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a letter addressed to him and from....Wendy.

The letter was saying something harsh about Daniel's current girlfriend; Wendy wasn't quite sure what most of it said judging by all the misspelling.

"This was in my locker, Wendy. I can't believe you!"

What the hell was this? She would never even think the things that were written in that curly handwriting. She felt like she was losing IQ levels just reading it. They even spelled her name wrong. Wendie Darlin was supposed to be Wendy Darling.

Daniel stood there waiting for an explanation, but she was so shocked that she could only mutter, "I didn't write that,"

"Then who the hell did?!" He yelled and it made her cringe, "Just give it up already. I know. I know about your stupid little crush on me. I've known since the seventh grade! I thought that if I didn't respond to your faraway glances that you would just leave me alone! But no! You have to talk bad about my GIRLFRIEND. She almost broke up with me today because of you! Who would want to date a girl with the personality of a witch?!"

Tears flooded down Wendy's cheeks. She wanted to slap him so bad. How dare he say that to her. Instead of resulting with physical violence, she just let out what she was feeling through words. She had never spoken so much at school in her entire life.

"You're such a complete JACKASS!! I can't believe you would think that low of me! So what if I like you? Doesn't every other girl in the whole school like you? It's because your so nice and popular and cute, right? Sure you're popular and have good looks, but you are such a rotten horrible person! You being nice is just an act. You just do it so no one will hate you! Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I hate your guts!" She turned on her heel and began to leave.

"Hey, where do you think your going?" He grabbed her wrist and spun her towards him. She always wanted him to touch her. She always imagined how electric it would feel. Now, it was like that part of her body he was touching was frozen solid.

"Get your hand off me," Wendy spit threw her teeth. She didn't know what had gotten into her. She had always been a sweet girl. Even when people were mean to her she just shrugged it off her shoulders. Even when her father would yell at her for being too childish at home when she would play with John and Michael. Today something happened that she never thought would. She lost her composure.

Wendy's icy glare scared Daniel. He let go and watched her march off to her house in shock.

Wendy didn't want to go home. She didn't want to face her mother. She didn't want to see the person who taught her to turn her cheek in life. She didn't want to see her brothers who would beg her to play. She just wanted to be alone. Was that too much to ask?

She took in the scenery of her walk to distract her. The leaves were just turning orange. It was windy today and the October air was chilly. Wendy put her hands in the pockets of her cream colored fuzzy sweater. It was her favorite and she wore it almost everyday in the appropirate weather.

She walked down the cobblestone street admiring. She lifted her head up to see the tops of the giant company buildings. Most of them had gray colored bricks and hardly any windows to look through. She walked up the steep path to her house.

Her house was tightly packed into a neighborhood with over a dozen neighbors. The houses were skinny. Wendy knew that on the inside they became rather large.

She finally made it to the massive front doors of the only white house on the block. She pushed them open and stepped inside. Wendy tried to fake a smile and act all cheery as usual, but Mrs. Darling saw through it immediatley.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Are you sick?" She pressed her hand on her forehead.

"I don't really feel good. Can you tell John and Michael to not come in our room until bedtime. I think I just need to lie down." Wendy recited this as if reading a play and knowing all of her lines by heart.

"Of course, do you want me to bring your food up to your room when dinner is ready?" Her mother asked her.

"No, that's okay mom. I don't think I'll be up to eating anytime soon. Well, good night then." Her mother kissed her forehead and let her go up the stairs and into her room. As soon as she hit the pillow, the tears came with more force than before. She had lied to her mother. She yelled at Daniel. She felt awful and cold.

All she wanted was to leave this place. She wanted to disapear. She wanted to go somewhere where no one could tell her to be a lady. No one blamed her for outragious things. No one cared if she yelled or screamed or cried. She just wanted to let her emotions run free.

She soon grew tired of crying and picked up her book and began to read again.

Wendy pictured herself there. She could be a pirate. She could be worse than Captian Hook; way more devious. There was no point in wanted to be like Peter. The story was completely surrounded by him. What the story needed was a more fearsome evil. If only she lived in Neverland.

I wish I could go to Neverland. Take me away from dreadful this place.

Wendy fell asleep in a puddle of her tears having no idea that her hopes and prayers could be answered.

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