Lena Farland and the Rejected Claim

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A/N: Get ready for some trouble in paradise... {cue evil laughter} We get Tom, more family drama, and some BAMF! Dumbledor!


Staring at the pool of water from her place laying on the sofa, ignoring the Basilisk that wandered through the Chamber occasionally, she didn't move from the couch for quite a while.

Going over the memories of every family that had wanted to adopt her and then rejected her the second she was remotely herself with them, of Jack's lessons, of how as a little girl she'd always wanted a family- she pondered the thought of the Potters.

She liked Charles Potter- how could she not? He was a loyal-to-a-fault Hufflepuff with a bit of Gryffindor ridiculousness mixed in.


There was a reason she'd stopped trying to get adopted by the time she'd turned six.

Because no one would understand her.

Jack was a lucky chance to have nearby, as he was understanding of her shortcomings, but the Potters...

They wouldn't understand her.

Not her cruel streak, not her inability to smile on command, and they definitely would not understand her odd interest in the Dark Lord.

She had all the family she needed in Jack and the Slytherins.

Mind made up, she spent the night in the Chamber, having the elves bring her food and reading books in the hidden library the Basilisk had shown her. Finally, in a place to stand up to the men, she wove her magic around Peter Pettegrew before placing him under a strong silencing and disillusionment spell.

Reviving him from his petrification, she pulled the net closed again and used her hands to control his movements, practicing until it was at least somewhat natural.

Taking the passage that led out near the Great Hall, she walked in, having the man march like a little toy soldier in front of her.

Dumbledore stood, eyes wide, but he must have seen her magic holding the man through his enchanted glasses because he stopped himself from his instinct of cursing Pettegrew on sight to defend the hall. His eyes darted to her quizzically. "...and what is this?"

"I brought you a present, old man." She tilted her head and smiled.

"H-Helena?" A woman with bright red hair and green eyes (that were dimmer and less unnerving than hers) stood from the Head Table, looking as if she was about to burst into tears. "Helena- oh- my baby, I can't believe you're here... alive and- and all grown!" The woman was crying now and starting to walk towards her, the hall whispering.

Releasing the disillusionment charm as the woman got closer, the hall was further sent into panic as Pettegrew came into view and the woman screamed, the teachers standing- all with their wands out.

Dumbledore raised a hand to the teachers, making them still. "My dear... why?"

Pulling at the strings, she made Pettigrew do a mock tap dance, watching Lily Potter's face turn white with a deep satisfaction considering she'd spent all night feeling vaguely sick over the choice she had to make. "And here I thought you'd like your gift..." Making Pettigrew twirl like an awkward ballerina and then letting go of his strings so he crumbled to the floor before pulling them tight again so he couldn't move, she tilted her head. "I had all the family I wanted in Jack and now I have the House of Slytherin. I don't want to be a Potter and since you declared 'Helena Potter' dead that night- then that's what she is. I'm not some stupid weak-willed child you can place claim over, and if anyone tries to do such a thing... they will find that I will not tolerate it."

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