Chapter 1

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It was a wet day.

The wind howled ferociously like a mad beast as it harassed several unsuspecting windows, leaves, and slightly ajar doors which served as obstacles in its path. Thunder and lightening, the fearsome duo, replaced the brilliant warm sun and caused several kindergarten children to cry out in fear.

Worst of all was the ear-shattering sound of rain as it incessantly flogged roofs, sheds, cars, and poor pedestrians who had been forced to leave the shelter of their homes due to urgent business.

Even the term 'it rained cats and dogs' would have been insufficient a phrase to describe the violent melancholy showers that disrupted the peace and order of a perfect summer afternoon.

As seconds bled into minutes, the rain slowly began to abate. However, the dark cloud refused to dissipate even though the rain had started long before daybreak.

Federico, a middle-aged man still in the prime of his youth, sat comfortably in his warm car, watching his breath fog the windows of his car and the rain droplets gather and slide down his windshield.

Though the streets were slightly flooded and the roads a bit slippery, several cars zoomed past him as their occupants hastened towards the safe shelters of their homes.

Federico sighed, burdened by the sorrow that there would be no one waiting for him in his abode. He brought out his phone from the cup holder and stared sadly at the image on the screen.

Though two people smiled back at him, a man and a woman, his eyes were glued to the woman's face. Even without the filter and makeup, it was obvious the woman was extraordinary.

One corner of her full lips was lifted in a sarcastic smirk. The expression in her eyes was a bit difficult to decipher. It looked like she was hiding a dangerous secret.

"Oh, Lorena." Federico kissed the woman's image.

Most men at that age would have begun to overlook the many qualities that had once drawn them to their wives and begin to seek solace in younger women with fleshier breasts and more succulent buttocks but not Federico.

He unlocked his phone and replayed the last message she had sent to him.

"Paris is a wonderful city. If only I could be here for pleasure rather than business. I hope you aren't torturing yourself like you always do when I leave. I'll be back tomorrow darling. Don't wear that hideous grey shirt when you come to pick me up. Make sure you eat well tonight, ok? I love you, honey."

Short, sweet, sexy, and intimate. Her melodic voice soothed his soul but was barely enough to dull the ache he felt in his heart knowing she was miles away.

He'd replayed her message so many times, he could recite the words she'd said. How he longed to warm his arms around her! He wished he could kiss her and tell her how much he adored her.

Lorena had only been gone for two days but it already felt like eternity.

"I love you more," Federico whispered.

He dialed her number and was about to call when he remembered he'd promised her he wouldn't pester her so much. It was so hard.

"She'll be back tomorrow. Lorena will be back in my arms." He said to himself.

It was the only way he could lessen the pain in his chest. Before he could succumb to temptation and dial her number, he returned the phone to the cup holder. Just as he was about to start his ignition, the device vibrated.

He dived for the phone, hoping it would be his beloved. He was startled when he saw the name on the caller ID. He picked it up without thinking twice.

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