Chapter 9

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Dinner was average. Although I suppose most people here haven't been able to spend much time in the kitchen.

"So how is this going to work," Diago said making me look up from the meal. Slightly surprised they even started talking after the silence at breakfast. "This mental time travel or croconophropy"

"Chrocosthesia." Five corrected having a mouthful of the soda on the table.

"I'll go back to 1963 and place it on your past selves. Either it'll completely take over there minds or...."

"Blow our heads off." Klaus finished with a raised hand making me sigh.

"Or what (y/n)," Allison said putting a hand in Klaus's shoulder.

"There's a chance they only hear your thoughts. Like a guide. Look this is a very unexplored area. There's only so much I can do." The clanging of culturally stopped for a moment.

"You're doing more than what we could ask for. Thank you." Luther said.


We decided to head out in the morning once sleeping off the nerves or whatever Allison was worried about. Five was on the floor by my bed. He was tossing in his sleep as I stared up at the ceiling. The patches should last as long as we need and once taken off the connection lost without a hassle. There was still a hint of worry inside of me.

"Shit." Five said with gritted teeth. So he wasn't asleep.

"What's wrong? Back saw old man?"

"Actually yes. This quickly made bed is shit." Rolling my eyes a smile played on my lips.

"That's an insult. I spent one minute making it for you." He sat up and I sighed freezing his body making him move next to me on the bed. "Since you'll complain about it for the next two days." Letting go of the hold I had he stayed on top of the covers with a blanket over his body.

"Thanks." Five murmured, making me turn to face him.

"Mr grouchy has a heart. I would have never guessed." He scoffed although I was just able to see a smile across Fives face.

"The same could be said about you. Still following your moral compass I see." A quiet laugh came from me.

"Fuck off." The pair of us laughed but it slowly stopped and I bit my lip staring at him for longer than I thought. We didn't say anything for a while until I managed to think straight.
"We should get some sleep." Breathing this out I turned my body away from his once more shutting both eyes.


An alarm was going off throughout the house the pair of us shot up.

'The outer perimeter was breached.' The watch I wore spoke.

"They're here," I said jumping out of the bed. "Get the others." Saying this to five he warped out of the room as I quickly changed turning off the alarm and grabbing my bag.

"What's going on?" Allison asked and I breathed heavily.

"Mobius tracked us down. Must have miscalculated. The more people the easier to track."

"Then let's get in the car." Shaking my head I let out a relaxed breath. Two vans, twenty altogether.

"There's too many of them and if we go out guns blazing they'll be reinforcements using my ability to move the car along with its tracks from the gravel drive the vans came through.

"So what do you suggest captain?" Diago whispered angrily at me.

"Through the back come on," I whispered and they all followed.

"Wait the wall. They'll know the plan." Five whispered. Warping back into the house.

"Five!" Luther whispered angrily about to go after him only for Diago to grab his shoulder.

"He's a big boy and can catch up. If we all get court then what." Jumping over the fence we walked quietly while the armed men went through the front and back doors.

"How..." I raised a hand to Klaus's mouth as one was left in the van. "How are we going to get away without the car. I'm no athlete." Raising the guard from the car and bring him to bushes I twisted his neck taking the walkie talkie he hand.

"Everyone in the van," I whispered and each followed. The van had two rows of seats three in each row with tech all in the back. Along with guns.

"Can you hotwire?" Diago asked sitting next to me until Five warped squeezing between us.

"Won't need too." Putting the car out of park I used my ability to roll the car out of the blip.

"Are we just going to roll down the road until they notice we're gone," Luther said, they were all watching the road behind us. As the car continued to roll down the road I flipped open the sun shielder down the keys fell into my hands.

"Like I said, idiots." I breathed out mostly to Five while turning on the car and kicking on the exilerator. Speeding down the straight road it didn't take long for the second van to join us.

"What's the plan here? We just going to try and lose them?" Vanya asked and I used my ability to look ahead down the road.

"There's another batch at the end of this road."

"I can take care of it," Vanya said but I shook my head.

"The moment anyone of you uses your ability against the group you'll be marked as a level 8 or 9." There was a bump in the road as I start rolling down the window.

"Levels what are you talking about?" I sighed looking in the mirror seeing them gaining on us. It's not helping with the amount of weight in the car.

"Take the wheel," I said to Five hopping up onto the window sill. The van started shooting when seeing me. My feet rested under Fives leg as I aimed and show a solidified mass at them but it bounced off. Groaning I went back inside. Sliding into the middle seat I looked to the machines in the back. "Damn it. Move aside." Climbing into the back I started pressing a few buttons.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Allison asked and I continued looking for the last button.

"Sort of. There." Pressing the smaller green button something clicked and a large machine gun machine came out from the floor. "Press the red button." I shouted so either five or Diago could hear me. It was pressed as I sat in the small chair and the back doors burst open as I started hammering the van with bullets.

"It looks like they have a shield." Luther yelled out over the gunfire.

"Yeah, no shit. But there's a limit."

"There's more." Five shouted. I sighed turning to Klaus.

"Can you use this?" He pointed a finger to himself in the corner of the back. "Yes, you. You were in the army right. Whatever just pull the trigger at the van." Walking to the back door opening I grabbed onto the roof lifting myself up. Seeing the van getting closer I sighed cracking my neck. My feet lifted off the ground and I flew across the air seeing a bazooka being aimed towards me. Sliding to a stop and raising a hand they shot the gun taking hold of the explosive I lift it above our van and to the van chasing us. Hearing the explosion behind me I went after the guy who shot the gun.

"Thanks for the ammo." I breathed before stabbing him up the jaw.

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