Frustratingly Obsessed (Not Edited)

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Frustratingly Obsessed - Part 8

Sookie continued asking Mina questions and demanded she explain everything from the beginning.

Mina happily obliged, explaining that her half brother, Fintan, and Sookie's grandmother, Adele, had two children: Corbett (Sookie's father) and Linda (Sookie's aunt).

Sookie originally didn't believe her but after Mina explained further she finally saw sense.

During the entire ordeal Eric watched Sookie in confusion.

He was confused as to how anything about Sookie ever interested him. With her sitting next to Mina he could compare the women easily and was able to tell that Mina was by far the superior of the two.

She was more beautiful and clearly smarter, she had a better sense of humour and was obviously far more powerful.

Sookie was just a weak human.

Eventually Sookie and Bill left.

Leaving Eric alone with Mina.


He wanted to try and get to know, her since he knew nothing of her or her past other than the fraction of information her father had divulged which wasn't enough.

Eric inhaled deeply letting the intoxicating scent of Mina engulf him. He silently wondered what her natural scent would smell like if she was not masking it, as the small fraction he was able to smell was driving him insane with desire.

Mentally scolding himself, Eric turned to face Mina who sat comfortably in one of his leather chairs.

"So how do you like Sookie?" He asked.

Mina shrugged. "She's defiantly not what I expected. I like her but she's not what I thought she'd be."

Eric raised an eyebrow in surprise, her expectations of Sookie were clearly not met and he was surprised by her polite but blunt honesty.

"What do you mean 'not what you expected'?" Eric asked curiosity evident in his voice.

Mina was silent for a moment.

"I don't know. I just expected her to be different." Mina replied.

"Different how?"

Mina fiddled nervously with the leather materiel of the chair, "I just thought she'd be more special. I've heard so much about her and I just expected her to be more unique."

Eric gaped at Mina. Sookie was one of the most unique people he'd ever encountered and he was a 1,000 year old vampire.

Which led him to wonder what sort of people Mina considered unique. Maybe to her, he was just some random vampire, no different than any other she'd met. A dull character compared to the colourful and less cliche personalities of her other friends.

Did she find him boring?

He started at her. He watched as she began to fidget under his intense gaze.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir?" Mina asked innocently.

Eric felt a shiver run down his spine and he internally groaned. All thoughts of insecurity and feelings of insignificance flew out the window as he let her words wash over him The way those words sounded coming out of her mouth tinged with innocence and the willingness to please made his dick twitch and harden in response.

The little vixen had no idea what she was doing to him.

"No, that'll be all, Mina." Eric replied stiffly, annoyed at his lack of control and inability to find out more about her.

Mina nodded briefly before turning on her heel and shuffling out of his office.

Eric collapsed in his plush office chair and groaned loudly. Working with Mina was torture. Everything she did was a turn on and she didn't even seem to understand how. Which was just plain infuriating.

He was used to women trying anything just to appear appealing to him and Mina did it without even having to try.

Just the other day he had watched her eat some cereal for breakfast and he almost fucked her right there on the table. Just the memory of it had him palming the large bulge in his pants.

The way the spoon had disappeared into her mouth or the movement of her throat as she swallowed. The worst was when some of the milk had slid down her chin and her sharp little tongue had shot out to lick it away.

It took all of Eric's control to turn and walk away. He had never met anyone who exuded such raw sexuality and, slowly but surely, she was killing him.


Sookie's pretty cute, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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