Surprisingly Jealous (Not Edited)

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Surprisingly Jealous - Part 5

Having finally succumb to the overwhelming feeling of drowsiness, Eric finally fell into a comatose state of sleep. His usually dreamless slumber was filled with erotic dreams revolving around Miss Brigant but often Pam or even Sookie would appear only adding to his mounting pleasure.


His eyes opened to the familiar silence of the night and seconds after regaining consciousness his mind was immediately wandering to thoughts of Mina.

'She really has gotten under my skin.' He thought before slyly adding, 'And I can't wait to get under hers.'

He chuckled at the unsavoury but none the less amusing direction of his thoughts.

So with his mind still on sex, he went to go find Mina.

After thoroughly searching the premises there was still no sign of Mina or Pam for that matter.

Finally he decided to ask Belinda, one of the other waitresses.

Eric had always liked Belinda, she was the oldest of the human waitresses and by far the smartest. She had light brown hair and thin black glasses. She would have been a little plain if it weren't for have delightfully plump pouty lips. They were a natural pink and your eyes couldn't help but be naturally drawn to them. Eric had never bedded Belinda but every time he looked at her lips all he could imagine was them wrapped adoring around him. He inwardly shivered as he imagined it.

"Belinda have you seen Pam?"

"She left earlier with some girl. She said they were going shopping."

He gave Belinda a curt nod and walked away. How could he have forgotten something he planned? He never forgot things, he was always organised and on top of everything.


There was thirty minutes before the bar opened and there was still no sign of either of them.

That's when he heard it, a soft moaning and the garbled version of what sounded like, "Pam."

He smiled, the bar hadn't even opened and already Pam was having sex. Eric had to admit he was especially proud of his protégé at that moment.

That's when he heard Pam's stern voice saying, "Mina, just stay still and let me do it. I want to do it right but if you keep fidgeting it won't work. Trust me I've done it more than you have."

Pam was having sex with Mina.

Eric was torn between being turned on or feeling jealous. Over all he was just intrigued. He slowly made his way over to the door that he could sense Pam was behind, just in time to hear a hiss of pleasure?

Quickly he opened the door and was both surprised and disappointed with the scene that met his eyes.

Inside stood Mina in tight leather trousers that outlined her slim legs and shapely rear. On top she had donned yet another corset, it was grey with a black lace lining and it clung to her like a second skin.

Her hair was left down and looked messy but in a strategically placed way. Eric took in her appearance noticing the splash of red on her lips, nails and the soles of her skyscraper heels. She looked effortlessly stunning, every bit an ancient queen.

Pam was standing close behind her lacing up the back of the corset. He let out a sigh of relief he didn't realise he'd been holding. What would he have done if he had actually walked in on them having sex?

'I'd join in.'

He thought with a smirk though unsure of the truth in his words.

"So why are you dressed like that?" He asked.

Mina glared at him, "This is my new look. I call it 'High End Prostitute' but Pam prefers 'The Vampire Whore'." She paused a moment, "Care to weigh in?"

Eric suddenly realised that he had barely spoken because he was to busy checking out the sexy little bottle of fairy blood.

"I was thinking more along the lines of 'Slutty assassin'?" He questioned trying to hide his amusement.

Mona glared sexily at him, making her look like an adorably annoyed kitten.

"Are you ready for your first night?" He asked effectively changing the subject.

Mina let out a nervous sigh.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


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