Chapter 7- The Light Supper

Start from the beginning

"Special? In what sense?"

"In superpower sense." Sky said.

"Call me old-fashioned, but I'm a stickler thing for a pesky little thing called evidence. Show me."

Sky sighed, knowing how stubborn her father is, she looked around the room, finding something to light on fire.

Allison scoffed, "Everyone wants to see powers all the sudden!"

"We're not circus animals, okay? We are not gonna bounce balls on our noses and clap our hands like seals for your amusmen-"

Diego threw a knife across the room, without hesitation. It sliced through the air, it made a halt in the air, and slickly turned a flew pass Reginald ear, into the wall.

Her father didn't have an impressed look on his face. He clicked his pen, and began writing something. All the siblings slightly leaned forward, trying to see what he wrote.

"What are you writing?" Diego asked, a hint of worry in his tone.

"You are zero for two, young man."

Allison choked on her drink. Diego stood from his seat and began to run over to Reginald. But Five quickly jumped in front of him, to stop him. "Stop!" He whisper yelled.

"Now that is interesting."

"All right, uh. Quick rundown." Said Five. Luther: Super strength. Klaus: Can common with the dead. Allison: can rumor anyone into doing anything. S-"

"Except she never uses it."

"I heard a rumor," Allison smiled, and Diego's eyes became a ghosty grey. "That you punched yourself in the face."

He fist quickly raised and punched himself, making his head fly back. He yelped.

"-Sky: can posses fire." Five continued, in a number of seconds, the lemon on the bridge of Allison drink caught on fire. Sky smiled, Allison quickly plopped it into the drink, it sizzled.

He turned to Vanya. "And you?"

"Uh, maybe we don't take Vanya for a test run."

"Oh yeah, that probably not a good idea."

"It's fine." Vanya shrugged, and Sky's eyes grew wide. "I can handle it."

Allison began muttering things reminding her what happened last time, Vanya picked up a fork and was about to cling it on a glass. Everyone was yelling telling her not to do so.

Vanya tapped the fork to the glass. A high pitched ringing rang through the room. The fruit on the table exploded, getting fruit all over them.

"Oops." She chuckled.

"Look," Diego stood up. "We know that you're involved in a plot to assassinate the president."

"You were recently hospitalized, correct? You still appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia."

"Am I?" Diego pulls out a picture, and slides it across the table in front of Reginald. "Explain this. Thats you. Thats two days from now on the grassy knoll at the exact location the president gets shot."

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