788 25 33

Random wizard:  *pokes around a gen z's trunk and pulls out a gun*  what's this?  Hey Zabini, come check this thing out!  *points gun at Blaise*

Blaise: What?

Random wizard: *accidentally shoots Blaise*  OMG!!

Gen z: oop-

Random wizard:  OMG I THINK HE'S DEAD!!!


Dumbledore:  What is this device used for? *holds up friction pen*

Gen z:  That's a friction pen.  You write something and you can erase it by rubbing the other end on the parchment  *demonstrates*


Gen z:  Bruh-

<<<<<<<<<<{  During O.W.L.S. }>>>>>>>>>>

Mcgonagall:  You will now be given anti-cheating quills for your OWLS.  Please start.

That one gen z who has every scheme for every crime:  *passes friction pen and cheat notes to fellow gen z's*  Hehe

That tattle-tale wizard that no one believes:  PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL! THEY'RE CHEATING!

The gen z's:  NO WE'RE NOT!  *holds up anti-cheating quills*  SEE?

Mcgonagall:  Mister tattletale-rattlesnake (idk it sounded cool), if you have no more objections, I recommend you mind your own business and start on your exams.

Gen z's:  Heheheheh


<<<<<<<<<<{ During Potions class }>>>>>>>>>>

Snape:  today we will be making a potions project-

Gen z:  YESS!!  *grabs baking soda and vinegar from potions cabinet*

Snape:  Miss-

Gen z:  ShUsH.

Snape:  ...

Gen z:  *proceeds to mix baking soda and vinegar in a potions bottle*  and three...two...ONE!!


Gen z:  *jumps on table*   WOOHOO!!

Snape:  *coughs*  10 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!

Gen z:  I'm a hufflepuff...


Dumbledore:  today we will be playing  "dodgeball"...?

Gen z:  Make it wizards versus us!

Wizards:  Yeah!  *them forgetting they have zero idea on how to play dodgeball*

>> LATER <<

(They're  lined up opposite each other and are at the field where they usually take the flying class)

Gen z:  ATTACK!!!  *throws dodgeballs like it's the Mexican revolution*

Wizards:   IT'S AN AMBUSH RUNN!!

Gen z:  *chasing the wizards across the room*

Dumbledore:  what am I going to do with these children...


<<<<<<<<<<{ During muggle history}>>>>>>>>>>

Random professor:  Can anyone identify this man?  *holds up Trump sign*

Gen z 1: a mistake of a sign

Gen z 2:  trash

Gen z 3:   *snatches sign and points wand*   INCENDIO!

Wizards:  ;-;


Harry: did you do the potions essay?

Gen z:  wait be right back

Gen z:  *casually prints one*

Harry:  hUh??


Gen z 1:  *flips water bottle while doing a backflip*

Both gen z and wizards alike:  OHHHHHH!!

Gen z 2:  Wait lemme try something cool too

Gen z 2:  *does some insane parkour shit*

Both gen z and wizards again:  OHHHHHH!!


Weeb gen z 1:  *nezuko-runs through the halls while yelling*  Tsuyoku nareru riyuu wo shitta~~ Boku wo~ Tsurete~ Susume~~DOU SHITATTE!

Weeb gen z 2:  *naruto-runs  with gen z 1 also yelling*  Oboetenai koto mo takusan attadarou~Daremo kare mo shiruetto~~Daiji ni shitetta mono wasureta~Furi o shitanda yo~~Nanimo nani yo waraerusa~~~

Wizards just passing by:  Wut. 

(if you know these comment SASUKEEE or NEZU~CHAN)


Wizard:  Roses are red, violets are blue, can I please go out with you?

Witches: awww!! that's so sweet!

Gen z girl:  Roses are red, violets are blue-

Witches:  aww she's returning the favor!

Gen z girl:  - guess what I don't even like youuu

Other gen z girls:  DAMNNNN

Gen z guys:  That is just sad dude  *pats wizard on the  back*

Wizard: (╥﹏╥)


That one girl who is passionate about her ships (definitely not me~):  *'accidentally' bumps Harry into Draco* (my heart went)  OoPs 



Gen Z in Harry Potter headcanons (DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin