Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Bailey awoke to an alarm that wasn't hers and groaned. She opened her tired eyes and looked at the window. It was still dark! How could someone be getting up this early? That was just wrong. She tried to lean up and search for the ungodly alarm but was yanked back down due to a warm arm that was slung around her waist. She froze, only then feeling the warm body against her entire backside. At some point she had turned to her side, her shirt riding up and the warm hand cupped one of her bare breasts. Bailey stopped breathing then, remembering that Damon and she were watching Waterboy, much to his disappointment, and that he'd nearly fallen asleep immediately. His arm had gone around her, and her brain had ceased to function. At some point she too, had fallen asleep. Her breathing faltered as her brain registered his body pressed up against her. Her bottom pressed into his groin; their legs entangled.

Bailey felt a tingling sensation low in her belly then, realizing how intimately they were entwined right now. When David and she slept together, they never laid like this. David had always been 'to hot' to cuddle, so she'd kept her distance in bed, to make him more comfortable, no matter how much she wanted the loving hold of her partner. Now, as she lay there, being held the way she always wanted to be, she felt a blush rise in her cheeks. Her best friend, the man that had been her calm through all the storms in her life, was holding her so intimately, and she loved it.

The sound of the alarm clock still beeping pulled her back from her thoughts and she turned her head slightly.

"Damon, Damon, the alarm clock. It's time to get up." She said gently. He'd always had a hard time sleeping, and Bailey wondered if it was the stress of his position in life that caused that, having to study from young childhood to take over an entire empire would stress anyone out. Damon had done it though, strong willed and doing everything in his power to do his best, he was someone she admired dearly.

Damon groaned slightly, his legs moving as he came to consciousness. He moved the arm that held her breast slightly, his calloused palms scraping gently across her nipple. Bailey couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped her lips at the sensation that shot through her body, down to her lower region. Damon's body tensed then, his hand squeezing a moment later. Whoa, well that's new, Bailey thought to herself as an odd sound came from her throat, her lower half throbbing as her blush grew immensely.

"B-Bailey?" Damon asked, sounding nervous, the alarm clock's beeping barely registering in her mind anymore.

"Y-es?" She responded, just as nervous. What was happening right now? Her mind was fuzzy, knowing that this probably shouldn't be happening, but the feelings it made her feel clouding that judgement. When David and she were together, she'd let him play with her chest, but it never made her throb like this. Never made her stomach flip, her cheeks burn, or her body tremble.

"Please tell me this is the pillow I'm grabbing." She chuckled softly to herself, but that made his hand rub against her nipple more and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning.

"I guess you could call them that, if you want." His hand tightened then, making her let out another sound she never knew she could make.

"Shit." He said. He pulled his hand away then, leaving Bailey feeling cold where he'd been touching, then a slamming sound caught her attention, the sound of the alarm ceasing to exist.

"Screw getting in early." He muttered, his arm going around Bailey and pulling her to lay flat on her back. She let out a small squeak and before she could blink, the shirt she wore was pulled up, baring her chest to the dark room.

"What are you d-oh my goodness." Bailey froze, feeling one of his hands on her left breast again, then a warm, wet feeling on her right breast. She sucked in a harsh breath as she realized it was his mouth. His tongue flicked over her nipple, causing what felt like lightning to course through her.

"Ah!" She squealed, the pleasure wreaking havoc on her nerves. Her mind could barely register what was happening. Damon, her Damon was squeezing and sucking on her chest, causing this immense pleasure. Her body shook violently as feeling she'd never experienced before coursed through her. She hadn't realized her hands were moving until they were in his hair, gripping him to her. He teased her chest, twisting, pulling, sucking, and biting until she was panting heavily. How had she never felt this before? It seemed so unreal.

Damon made a sound low in his throat that caught her attention, sending a new shiver through her as she realized he had moaned. His body moved, his fingers and mouth still attacking her mercilessly. His body moved to hover over hers, his hardness pressing into her hip as his leg moved between hers. She could feel a new sensation building in her, and when his thigh pressed into the apex between hers, she broke, a choked sound of pleasure exiting her mouth, her back arching slightly.

"Oh my God!" She whimpered as he pulled his head away from her chest. Her chest rose and fell quickly as her hands fell back into her own hair, his hand still gripping one breast.

"Wh-what was that?" She whispered, her lower half still throbbing. A glint of light came through the blinds now, allowing her to see Damon's face slightly. Her heart throbbed at the image of him above her, his chest bare, leaving her a view of his tightly muscled, tattooed body, hair tussled from sleep, mouth slightly swollen and wet, with eyes widened with surprise.

"Bailey, did you just come?" He asked, his voice low and husky, a sound she had never heard before from him. Her eyes widened slightly then, one of her hands coming down to rest over her heart, their fingers touching slightly.

"Is that what that was? Oh my." She whispered to herself as she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Damon's eyes widened more then.

"Have you never had an orgasm?" He asked, unbelieving. She shook her head.

"I guess not, I-I know I've never felt that." She said, her brain finally registering what had just happened between her and her best friend. She became very away of the cold air on her bare chest and her hands came down to pull the shirt down and cover herself up, her cheeks burning once more. Damon moved his hand, allowing her to do so, though reluctantly. That stayed like that for a moment, silence laying around them and with each passing second, Bailey became more embarrassed. This was going to ruin their friendship wasn't it? Damon was the only person she had left in this life, and now she'd allowed herself to ruin it. If she'd just quietly pulled away from him, then left, this wouldn't have happened. They'd been caught up in a moment, half awake. Bailey knew he was probably regretting what they'd done just now.

"Little Lee." Damon's voice was so soft, she couldn't look him in the eyes. She felt like if she did, then his rejection and regret would hurt worse. Thankfully, the sound of the alarm going off again caught Damon's attention and she pulled her body out from underneath him. She reached the door but paused when she heard him call out her name.

"Bailey, wait." He said.

"I-I'll see you at work. I'm sorry for bothering you." She spoke quickly and ran across the hall, closing her bedroom door and locking it swiftly. Her heart pounded wildly as she gripped the shirt she wore at the hem, embarrassment flooding ever vein in her body. The things they'd done moments before, was something she could've only dreamed about before, and now that it was a reality, it made the feelings that she'd pushed deep down years ago surface once more.

Bailey shook her head. Damon was a reasonable person, and he would probably pretend that it never happened, to save their friendship, so she had to do the same. She wouldn't let him know how much she felt for him, or what they'd done together meant to her.

She quickly got ready, putting on one of the new outfits she'd purchased and heels. She quickly scurried from the room after hearing his shower turning on and found another bathroom on the first floor. There she'd brushed her hair out, letting it fall in soft waves around her shoulders, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. It was the fastest she'd ever gotten ready, and before she could run into Damon, she scurried to the garage, and sped off on the bike she'd missed so dearly. She could do this; she'd make it okay again.

It would be like this morning never even happened.


Hi there, to those that love this story, I deeply apologize for not updating for so long. I'm trying my best to keep up now. Hoping to move forward with this story and a few others I have. Please forgive me, and tell me what you think!!

Lots of love,
J Vas

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