Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Bailey got out of the shower minutes later drying off and dressing quickly brushing her hair back with a brush she found in the drawer. Braiding it quickly she tied it at the end and picked up her clothes before cleaning up the water she left on the floor. She wasn't someone who could just leave a mess in someone else's home even if that someone was her best friend.

Running from Damon's room when she didn't find him anywhere in sight she called out.

"Jerry!" he popped around the corner as if ready and waiting for her to call for him.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Have you seen Damon?" she asked him as he reached out and grabbed her dirty clothes, though she reluctantly let them go, not completely okay with someone else cleaning up after her.

"Yes Miss, I saw him heading to work a few moments ago." He had left without saying good-bye? When they used to stay the night at each other's places they always said good-bye.

"Thank you, Jerry. I have to go, have a good day!"" Bailey said, slightly upset but unable to worry about it due to the fact that her cook was probably opening the shop by himself and he wasn't good with people due to anxiety. Shrugging on her leather jacket to help her against the light drizzle outside she started down the staircase.

"Wait, Miss Bailey." Jerry said causing her to pause and look up at the happy old man who held out keys towards her.

"Mr. Draco asked that I give these to you, so you could get to work faster." Bailey smiled as she saw the emblem on the key. Her best friend knew her so well.

"Thank you!" she called out as she headed into the garage and the light turned on illuminating the various vehicles that sat in his luxurious garage. Finding what she was looking for, Bailey uncovered the sleek gold Suzuki. It had been a couple years since she'd last taken it for a spin, David having stated he was 'scared she'd get hurt'. Bailey shook her head as the memories of the day before came flooding back and she took in a dep breath. She had been through much worse and she had gotten through it. She would do the same this time.

Swinging her leg up and over the bike she turned the key, listening to the sweet engine purr beneath her. She patted it gently before clicking the garage opener attached to the handlebars. The door glided open outwards rather than upwards, letting Bailey take in the view of the packed gravel driveway surrounded by acres of forestry. When Damon had purchased the house, he had made her go with him and waited for her approval before signing for the deed.

Revving the engine Bailey smiled widely as she took off down the driveway on the all-terrain tires. Today was looking good after yesterday's events.

At least, that's what she thought until she got to the café.


"If you can't figure out how to rework the offer so we don't lose money then there's no reason for you to be working here. Is there?" the middle-aged man gulped nervously, a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead.

"I-I'll figure it out, Sir." The man insisted, and Damo waved him off with a flick of his wrist.

"You have until the end of the day." Damon said. The man nodded and took off like a dog with its tail between its legs. Damon leaned back in his chair, arm over his face as he let out a loud sigh. The day had been filled with idiosyncrasies' as this was the fourth person to come to his office with problems on upcoming deals.

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