Chapter One

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Chapter One

Bailey walked into her house careful not to make a sound. Today was the day, she was going to give her fiance her virginity, because she loved him and she knew he was the one. She had been waiting until marriage but decided that since they were to be married in little less than two months it wouldn't make much of a difference now or then. Slowly she shut the door with a soft, almost silent snick, sound. Quietly she walked across the coffee colored carpet through the corridor. She passed the archway that led to the kitchen, filled with all matching silver appliances. Bailey had come to adore her home with her fiance. They had been together for four years since her sophomore year in college. Three years into their relationship he had proposed. She said yes, happily but when she told her best friend Damon, he grumbled a few choice words about David not being good enough and her joy had immediately diminished.
Damon and Bailey had been best friends since they were in sixth grade. Damon had been and still was a rich boy, more than rich in fact. His parents sent him to a private school fully paid tuition whereas Bailey had earned a scholarship because of her persistent need for learning. It also helped that she had an eredict memory. Bailey came from a foster home history, a new home every four to five months, but nothing kept her away from school. He and Bailey met the first day when they were partnered up for the year in science. He had been snobby and made rude remarks about her clothing, and the smudge of dirt on her face. It hadn't been her fault that she hadn't been able to shower because her foster father at the time was passed out drunk on the bathroom floor blocking the door. The tears had formed in her eyes when she saw the mocking laughter at what he thought was a funny joke because he was in freshly ironed black dress pants and a dark blue dress shirt, his honey blond hair shiny and combed to perfection that laid just above his eyes.
When he saw the tears his eyes had widened and his mouth had opened to say something but she had run from the classroom before the tears could have poured free. She ran into the closest bathroom and had fallen against a wall. The tears had poured freely, and sobs had shaken her body. When she heard the click of shoes against the shiny halls, she froze hoping that no one had heard the sound of her sadness. When the door opened slowly, she stopped breathing all together. There was a hint of honey blond hair and then his eyes had connected with hers, an ocean blue color.
"Wh-what are you doing? This is the girl's bathroom." Bailey said furiously wiping at the tears that silently poured down her face. He didn't say a word but reached over to grab a paper towel and walk to her. She ducked her head, embarrassed that she had cried over his words.
"Leave me alone." she mumbled, then hiccupped. She felt warm fingers on her chin and flinched, remembering an ex-foster mother who had done the same thing only to knock her down with a hard slap once more. The tears came harder and she shut her eyes tighter.
"Hey, stop crying," he had whispered, his voice soft and gentle to her ears that were so used to harder, harsher sounds. She felt the paper towel softly rubbing over her eyes and her cheeks. She held her breath waiting for another harsh and cruel comment from him, but when he pulled away and she opened her eyes, she saw only regret.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I should have never said what I did, it was mean and wrong. Will you forgive me?" he asked. She looked into his eyes for a moment and saw the sincerity and so she nodded dumbly. Then he smiled and said "Good, do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?" he asked, and she nervously nodded.
"Okay, come on," he held out his hand and she slowly took it standing. Together they had exited the ladies' restroom and headed to the cafeteria just as the bell had rung. Since then they had become best friends and his parents loved her like she was family. His big brother, Derek was a huge flirt, but she didn't mind the male's attention every once in a while. However now that she had David she didn't even pay attention to the flirtatious comments.
As she walked through the hallway, the walls made of cherry oak, she heard a soft sigh, and then a...moan? A cold shiver ran down Bailey's spine as she froze right in the hallway. The door to the bedroom was slightly ajar and silently, as though on autopilot Bailey walked to it. The sound of creaking springs filled the air and it felt as though it were a sonic boom to Bailey. He couldn't, he couldn't do this to her, could he? Bailey came to the door, fearful to look and see, but she forced herself to anyway. What she saw made her whole world shatter.
David, his pants at his ankles, his button-down shirt open as he made love to another woman. She was blond, with big boobs that were pushed up due to her bra being pulled down under them. They were having sex on the same bed David and she shared every night, the quilt she bought for them. And now...this. The tears formed in her eyes, the familiar burning sensation a comfort as the lump in her throat formed.
"David," she whispered, her voice broken, and hoarse. David's head snapped up then, his brown eyes first filled with confusion, then shock. The blond looked up at Bailey with a smirk on her face.
"David, I thought you said she wasn't going to be home for another three hours?" the blond asked, her voice an octave too high. David pulled out of her and hurriedly pulled up his pants before Bailey saw anything too vital. The blond reluctantly stood and slowly, almost mockingly, pulled her clothes back on. She looked up at David who had his head down and whispered "Call me when you want to finish what we started." and then she walked past Bailey, bumping her shoulder with that same smirk and walked out the front door as though she owned the place.
Bailey looked at the ground her mind flashing back to what she saw. She couldn't believe he would do this to her. She was good to him, granted she didn't make much financially, but she had loved with all she had, and he did this to her? Slowly she looked up to find David looking at her with regret on his face, but not a single ounce of guilt.
"Bailey, I'm so-" he reached out to grab hold of her arm but she pulled back and said "Don't touch me," but it came out as a whisper. He heard it however and his arm dropped. Anger slowly invaded the regret in his eyes as he said, "What do you want from me Bailey? It's been four years, we're engaged to be married and you never let me touch you below the waist, it's frustrating!"
"And you thought that made it okay to cheat on me with a blond bimbo?" Bailey's voice rose, something that rarely ever happened. "I was going to give you my virginity ten minutes ago, more than willing because I loved you, but I'm so glad that I didn't. I can't believe you would do this to me. Disrespect me in our own home!" she shouted.
"Last I checked sweetheart my name is on the mortgage, not yours." she flinched at those words, her anger diminishing until she felt only defeat. She said nothing as she walked past him and into their closet...his closet. She reached up and grabbed the duffel bag she used for the gym.
"What are you doing?" David demanded. This hurt. It hurt so much because she had loved him with every breath she had. Her body shook as Bailey fought to hold back more tears. She grabbed the clothes she owned from the hangers, then her shoes. She shoved everything she could inside.
"Bailey, sweetie, what are you doing?" his voice sounded panicked now and she felt a bitter sense of pride as she made him feel worry, panic. She wanted to physically harm him as well, but that would get her nowhere. She reached her jewelry box and opened it grabbing the only thing she owned that David had never bought for her. The teardrop diamond necklace on a silver chain that Damon had bought her for her eighteenth birthday. The tears dropped freely now, silently tracking down her cheeks. She turned to head to the bathroom, but her arm was grabbed by David. She glared up at him as he whispered, "Baby, please don't do this, please, I beg you. I'm sorry, I love you, I made a mistake that's all. Please forgive me. Stay with me." anger flooded her as she yanked away from him. How dare he say those words to her, I love you, those three simple, stupid, useless words that only caused pain.
Bailey lifted her gaze to his, straightened her shoulders and said, "You don't know what love is." She didn't bother going and grabbing her personal items she just turned and walked out of the room and down the hall, duffel bag in hand.
"No, Bailey!" David yelled. He grabbed her once more, harder this time and yanked her to face him. Before she could think he crushed his lips to hers, holding her face to his. Bailey yanked back hard, but he didn't let go. How dare he touch her never mind kiss her after she found him with another woman! How dare he! She then gave in to the anger riding in her. She lifted her knee and hit right where the sun doesn't shine. He let go of her immediately, dropping to the floor as a groan tore from his throat.
"Don't you ever touch me again. Ever!" she screamed as she walked out of the house. She didn't have a car, had shared David's because he said he didn't want her to have to pay a debt to a worthless piece of junk when they could easily share the silver Dodge SLT. Now she regretted listening to him as dark clouds rolled overhead clearly reflecting her mood. Even more so fitting was the loud boom of thunder that reverberated through the skies followed by the heavy down pour of rain. Bailey reached into her back pocket for the small flip phone she had only to find it was dead.
"Great," she muttered clutching the duffel bag to her chest. She crossed the street to the nearest bus stop, reading the sign to find out which one would take her to where she needed. Finding the right one Bailey sat and waited what seemed like hours but in reality, was only maybe twenty to thirty minutes. Paying with the extra change she had in her pocket Bailey sat in the far back of the bus away from the drunken hobo that was half conscience and the old lady who looked far grumpier than was healthy.
Looking out the window Bailey watched the city go by in a watery blur, half because of the rain, and half because the tears pooled in her eyes. When the familiar tell tales of the rich neighborhood came into view Bailey got off at the nearest bus stop. The rain soaked her hair, and clothes, through the duffel bag she failed at trying to shield. Walking up the sidewalk she saw the mailbox she had become very familiar with over the years and began the long walk down the graveled driveway.
Twenty minutes later she came to the tall silver gate that surrounded the property. There was a small box that had a speaker and a little black button. Above it was a security camera. There was a muffled scratchy sound that came through the speaker and a voice then came through, "Ms. Black, are you okay?" the butler's gentle voice pierced her heart.
"Yes Jerry, I'm fine, I just came for a visit, meet me at the door?" she asked.
"Of course Ms. Black." The speaker buzzed followed by the gate opening up. Bailey walked through and when she turned the corner, she was met with the mansion Damon bought years ago for himself. It was two stories with columns running from the ground to the bottom of a balcony on the second floor. The balcony held a sliding glass door and was surrounded by a four-foot oak railing painted cream. The house matched the cream colors and the trim blended with a soothing forest green. Surrounding the house was acres of forest and ivy vines wrapped their way up the house's columns and walls. The rain made the forest look dark and mysterious, making her want to get lost in it.
Bailey quickly made her way up the cobbled stone steps that led to the house and just as she reached the top the front door opened. Jerry, an old, stoop shouldered old man with so much joy in his heart it seemed endless, wore his usual black and white butler suit. Damon had told him he didn't have to wear a uniform, but Jerry said it made him happy, so Damon had let it go. Jerry smiled at her and Bailey managed a weak smile back.
"Hey Jerry, where's Damon?" Bailey croaked out, her throat raw from the tears and yelling she had done little less than an hour ago.
"Mr. Draco is in his office as usual, would you like me to take your bag and have your items dried?" he asked.
"Yes Jerry, that would be great, thank you." she said handing him her bag before she went off in search of his office. She walked across the hardwood oak floor hallway, looking at the blank walls feeling all too blank herself. She felt almost numb. She quickened her steps needing to see Damon. When she came to the white wood doors she didn't knock, she didn't have to. She opened the door and saw Damon, head bent over his desk, pen scribbling on papers.
"Jerry, I said no interruptions." Damon said, his voice much deeper than when he was in sixth grade. He had grown taller, at almost six-foot three he towered over her five-foot seven frame. His hair was still eye length, but much messier nowadays since he took over Draco Corporations from his father two years ago. He was well built, with broad shoulders and he radiated power. She never got to see him much and it made her chest feel as though it were hit with a sledge hammer. She was sure her heart would have ached, had she still had any of it left after today's events. Tears formed in her eyes again and the lump came back.
"Oh, come on now Damon. Becoming a bit of a workaholic, now aren't we?" she said teasingly hoping to ease the pain she felt at David's betrayal. Damon's head snapped up at the sound of Bailey's voice and a smile lit his face, until he saw hers that is.
"Bailey, what's wrong, what happened?" he said, his voice so concerned and caring that Bailey couldn't take it anymore. Her legs gave out, and she fell.
"Bailey!" he shouted catching her just before she hit the ground. He wrapped his arms under her knees and around her back before picking her up and setting on the small maroon sofa that sat in the corner of his office. Damon kneeled down beside her and gripped her hand before brushing her sopping hair out of her face.
"Bailey, honey, tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me." he said. Bailey looked up at Damon, his honey hair, so soft and shiny looking, to his ocean blue eyes, the dark bags underneath. Reaching out her hand Bailey gently rubbed her thumb underneath them.
"You haven't been sleeping well Draco, that's not healthy." she said, too embarrassed to tell him what happened.
"What you're doing to me isn't healthy either Bailey, you're worrying me half to death." a small smiled played on Bailey's lips as she saw the engagement ring on her left ring finger. Slowly she grabbed it and slid it off. She sat up, Damon watching her every move. She braced her elbows on her knees and stared at her ring. Images of just hours ago sprung fresh in her mind.
"You were right about him Damon," Bailey said.
"Who? What the hell is going on Bailey?" he said sitting beside her on the couch.
"David," Bailey said, a bitter smile playing on her lips, "you were right. I caught him w-" her voice cracked as new tears leaked from her eyes, "-with another woman. This blond, and h-he told me it was b-ecause I wouldn't give him sex. H-e tried to kee-p me from leav-ing b-but I kneed him a-and left. I didn't know where to g-go-"
"Bailey," but she didn't really hear him.
"But I was hoping that you'd let m-me stay until I got back on my feet. I left everything there except some clothes. Please Damon, I-"
"-won't get in your way and I'll pay my own, I just need somewhere to sleep, and I'll get another job after the shop closes a-"
"Bailey!" Bailey jumped at the booming yell and looked up at Damon wide eyed. He was staring at her with concern and she saw anger but knew it wasn't for her. Before she could blink, she felt his arms wrap around her as he pulled her in for a hug.

"You don't even have to ask that Bailey, you know you're welcome for as long as you need it. You don't have to have to pay or anything. I'm sorry this happened to you sweetie. So sorry I couldn't protect you from it," Bailey broke down then gripping his shirt so tightly that it hurt and sobbed into his already fussed and wrinkled shirt. He pet her hair and whispered, "Shhh, Bailey, shhh, it's going to be alright, I promise. It will all turn out okay..."

So this is an old book I found in my files and decided to revamp it. Tell me what you guys think.

J. Vas

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