I'm a Ghost

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In the spirit of Halloween, here's a ghost oneshot! ❤️
Suga was on his way home one day when it started to rain. "Crap crap crap I don't have my jacket!" Suga said aloud and started running. He didn't have his jacket because Noya didn't have his either, and Suga being the caring mother he is, gave the small libero his jacket when he was cold. And now he as getting rained on. Awesome. Wow.

He made it home as fast as possible, changing out of his soaked clothes immediately. Suga started on his English homework. He didn't really like English at all, but he was passing with flying colors. Everything was going fine until the power went out. That, you could say, was an issue.

Luckily, Suga had candles in the basement. On the way there, Suga heard a crash. He walked toward the noise to see a glass shattered on the floor. "That's kinda weird..." he mumbled.

Suga got the candles and lit them. He sighed in relief. It was okay... Until he heard a loud thump. A book had fallen off his desk. Then all his candles started flickering at the same time. "What the heck?"

Suga screamed when he felt hands on his shoulders and whacked the intruder with his English textbook. "Who are you? How did you get in my house?!" The person stayed silent. "Or do I have to whack you again?" Suga was terrified. Somehow someone had broken into his house and was pushing things off his tables. Who does that?

The person gasped. "You... You can see me?" Suga frowned. "Yes? Of course I can see you." The person started to cry. "Finally! Someone can see me!" he shouted. To put it simply, Suga was really confused. "So... You're not here to hurt me?" The person shook their head. Suga slowly knelt down beside them and put his textbook down. "What do you mean by 'someone can finally see me?'"

The person lifted their head to reveal a boy Suga's age– a very attractive boy at that. "Let's start with names first, shall we?" Suga nodded. "I'm Sugawara Koushi. And you are?" "Oikawa Tooru. And I'm a ghost."

Suga jumped up and stepped back about 5 feet. "WHAT?!" Oikawa nodded and smiled sadly. "No one would pay attention to me. They all hated me, so I became depressed... One day, while I was walking in an alleyway, an old woman told me that I would become invisible and stay this way until someone noticed me and loved me." "But... how can someone see you if you're invisible?" Suga asked softly. "I'm not sure. That's why I was so surprised that you could see me!"

Suga smiled. "Is there any way I can help you get back to normal?" Oikawa shrugged. "Oh, and sorry for knocking some stuff off things. I'm kinda clumsy sometimes..." Suga sighed. "I still have to sweep up that glass... how about you go and sit on the couch while I do that?" Oikawa nodded and went to the couch.

As Suga was cleaning, he asked, "So you aren't really a ghost, right? My textbook hit you, so you're not an actual ghost. And you're not see-through." Oikawa pouted. "I suppose... but being invisible isn't as cool as being a ghost!" Suga laughed. He threw the glass in the trash and sat down by Oikawa.

Is there anything I can do to help you?" Suga asked again. Oikawa laughed softly. "No, I don't think so..." "Well that lady said that people could only see you if someone... loved you..." Suga blushed. "And I can see you, s-so..." Oikawa raised an eyebrow which made Suga sigh in frustration. "So what if I kissed you?! Would that make you go back to normal?!"

Oikawa's eyes widened. "So you wanna kiss me?" he asked with a smirk. Suga blushed harder. "Only if you think it'll help!" he yelled, clearly flustered. "M-Maybe it'll work, I don't know..." They sat in awkward silence. "I mean, what's the hurt in trying?"

They both leaned in and kissed. It lasted no longer that a second, but both couldn't stop blushing. "H-How do we know if it worked?" Oikawa asked. "I have an idea," Suga told him and pulled out his phone.

He opened FaceTime and tapped on a random contact. Nishinoya immediately answered it. "Hey mom! What's up?" Suga laughed nervously. "Um... this might seem weird but... can you see this guy?" Suga tilted his phone screen so that Oikawa was in camera view.

"GET SOME, SUGA!" Noya yelled. Suga blushed and said, "I have to call someone else 'cause you're such an idiot." "Okay, bye mom! Have fun!" Suga rolled his eyes and hung up.

He clicked Asahi's contact and asked the same question when he answered. "Of course I can see him Suga, I'm not blind." Oikawa and Suga both cheered loudly and poor Asahi asked, "Suga do I need to take you to church?" Suga shook his head and said goodbye. After he hung up, Oikawa hugged him tightly, happy tears dripping down his face. "Th-Thank you so much..."

It was weird. Suga had known this guy for maybe an hour, but he felt like he'd known him for years. "Oikawa, do you need a place to stay?" he asked quietly. Oikawa pulled away and wiped his eyes. "I-I don't want to burden you... I already made you kiss me..." "You didn't make me. I could have said no," Suga assured him. "And you wouldn't be a burden at all. I like your company." Oikawa chuckled. "Then sure. I'd love to stay with you."

Oikawa ended up staying with Suga for a while, and they became the best of friends. Then they both developed crushes on each other, and after a few months of awkward conversations, blushing, and fighting the urge not to hold the other's hand, Oikawa finally mustered up enough courage to ask Suga out and Suga said yes. Now when old couples ask how they met, they have no idea what the hell to tell them.

The End.


I hope you liked it! Happy Halloween everybody! 🎃👻🎃👻🎃👻 AhEm, AnYwAyS- if you enjoyed this oneshot, make sure to leave a star before you go! I love you all so much! Byeeeeeeee! 💚✨

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