Narrator lover/hater

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Hey yo peoples! I thought I'd update tonight cause I have nothing else to do. One thing: I did not make this up! I got this idea from a studio c video on YouTube, please check out their channel. I just changed up the ending and made it oisuga. Ok? I just thought it would be a cute idea, please don't come at me bruh 😔✋

The parts where Suga is singing will be surrounded with this: 🎵
Everything else is normal ✨
ALSO- Oikawa is un-muscley! Even though that is not good for him, I think it's funny in this concept. I'm not being rude, k. On with this frickin story jeez.

Suga leaned against against a tree playing a lyre. He started the story: "🎵Once upon a time in land filled with flowers...🎵" A few flowers popped up from the ground.

Suga frowned and cleared his throat. "I said filled!" More flowers popped up. "🎵Lived a king and a queen and their daughter. She was cursed you see, when she turned 18, she got ugly instead of hotter🎵."

"Now that I am of marrying age, I must choose a husband!" the princess exclaimed happily.

"Good thing you're rich," the king muttered, the queen smacking his arm.

"🎵Then who should appear but a man with a beard who proudly proclaimed🎵:" "I volunteer."

"🎵She gave him her hand, and he gave her his shoulder, and quickly they left to be wed🎵." They disappeared.

"🎵The king did forget an important secret, so the queen leaned over and said🎵:" "Honey, that's the wizard that cursed our daughter." "Whoopsies," the king said with wide eyes.

"🎵The king then petitioned every night for a mission to rescue the young lass! The Knights all agreed she was far too ugly, and together they said🎵:" "We'll pass-" "-I'll do it!" Knight Oikawa yelled.

"🎵This soberinggg tale-🎵" Suga looked at Oikawa with a confused expression. "I'm sorry, what?" "I'll rescue the princess!" Oikawa repeated.






"Why is that so hard to believe?" Oikawa asked with a pout.

"You're sickly, untrained, and frail," Suga shot back. Oikawa was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Nonetheless, I can fight as well as our strongest knight!" He gestured to Iwaizumi.

"No you can't, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi scoffed.

"Oh really?" Suga asked Oikawa. "🎵Then someone punched you in the gut-🎵" Kyotani punched Oikawa in the gut, making him collapse instantly. "Oh, oh why?!" Oikawa asked Suga, hunched on the ground.

"To prove a point!" Suga cleared his throat. "Anyway... 🎵And no one lived happily ever after-🎵" "I'm going!" Oikawa protested. "🎵Someone kicked you🎵." Makki kicked him in the ankle. "Oh shit sorry Oikawa." "Ow!"

Oikawa took a deep breath and said, "I'm saving the princess and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Suga rolled his eyes. "We'll see about that." "Bring it on, you mean narrator!"

"🎵The hero met a thief who caused him some grief, and stabbed him in the gut🎵." "Ow, that didn't even rhyme..." Oikawa held his gut as the thief took out his wallet. "Three dollars, really?" the thief with copper hair and asymmetrical bangs complained. "I'm poor." The thief ran away.

"🎵The next task he should face would start at the base of a mountain, which he would climb🎵." "Oh my kidney."

"🎵While holding his breath-🎵" Suga started,but was cut off by Oikawa saying, "I'm gonna breathe! You can't make decisions for me, I'm the protagonist!" "Well I'm the narrator!" Suga argued. "🎵Then your legs stopped working 🎵." Oikawa fell to the ground. "I hate you."

Suga rolled next to him still playing his lyre and sang, "🎵While he lay helpless, completely defenseless,a troll came along feeling hungry🎵." A troll with a rather large club walked over to them and growled.

"🎵The troll swung his club to grab him some grub, and hit the dumb night on the head🎵-" "Stab!" The troll roared in pain, falling over, dead. "Heehee, still got my sword!" Oikawa cheered.

"🎵Then your arm stopped working 🎵." "Come on!" Oikawa shouted as his arm flopped in the snow. "You had enough?" Suga asked the knight. "Never!"

"🎵Then you contracted the plague 🎵." Oikawa groaned.

"🎵Then you were shot by an arrow 🎵." The arrow shot Oikawa's calf.

"🎵Then your mouth tasted like a foot🎵." Oikawa gagged.

"🎵A diseased foot~🎵" Oikawa gagged harder. "I'm coming princess!" "🎵 You sure are determined, despite all the hassle-🎵" "-And magically appeared at the dark wizard's castle!" Oikawa finished, and there they were, at the dark wizard's castle.

"I can't believe that worked!" Suga exclaimed. "What is going on here?" The wizard yelled. The princess kneeled beside Oikawa and said, "It's one of my father's knights!"

"Yes, I've come to rescue- Woah.... You are... Not ugly anymore." "The curse was lifted,but I didn't think anyone would try to rescue me when I was hideous."

"Well that was the plan!" The wizard grumbled, looking at Suga accusingly. "Sorry, I tried."

"Alright wizard. Let's fight to the death! I may not be able to use my arms or legs, but I can still do this!" Oikawa began struggling to move pathetically, making weird noises with his mouth.

"Cast a spell or something," Suga told the wizard. "I only know how to make people ugly..." Suga sighed. "Do that, then." The wizard raised his staff, and yelled, "SHUNESTEE!"

"AH! Am I hideous?" Oikawa asked. "You look the same," the princess replied. "Well there's only so much I can do," the wizard said, fist bumping Suga.

"Wizard, we're through!" said the princess. "I want to marry this man!" "Figures," the wizard scoffed, and left.

"Um, I actually don't want marry you, princess," Oikawa told her. "You don't?" Oikawa shook his head. "I'm actually gay. I just didn't want to turn down an opportunity to help someone."

"That's so sweet!" Suga smiled.

Suddenly, a woman with short blonde hair and bangs flew up to the window on a black and red dragon. "Princess Alisa! It is I, Princess Saeko from the Tanaka Kingdom. Would you do the honor of courting me, and taking a ride on my dragon?" Alisa squealed and said, "Of course!" and they were gone seconds later.

Suga narrated an ending for them: "🎵The two started courting with much joy and much laughter, and they both lived happily ever after 🎵."

"So... What do I do?" Oikawa asked the young narrator. Suga smiled at him and sang, "🎵His limbs started working without much disaster, and we both lived happily ever after."

Oikawa stood up and hugged Suga. "Thank you for taking me on this eye-opening journey! Also I'm kind of in love with you now, so you wanna go out with me?"

Suga nodded. "🎵Yes my dear knight, and with you tonight, I finally feel alright 🎵."

OH MY ASAHI THAT TOOK SO FRICKING LONG TO WRITE! AHHHHHHHHHHH! But I hope you understood this, this was really long to write holy crap. Also, no one come at me for shipping Alisa and Saeko! If you don't know who they are, Alisa is Lev's big sister and Saeko is Tanaka's big sister. I think they're cute, don't come at me! Anyway, if you enjoyed this oneshot, make sure to leave a star before you go! I love you all so much! Byeeeeeeee! 😌✨👌❤️

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