Beth joins the blonde-haired man who's sitting down eating breakfast at Darcy's dinner.

"What's good Kelvin?" Beth says sliding into the booth.

"Ughh," Kelvin groans when he looks up to see her."

She rolls her eyes, "Nice to see you too. Got anything for me?"

"Can a man just eat without a Bailey around?"

"Do need me to remind you that you owe me?" Beth's pleasant smile is replaced with a frown.

Kelvin works in the auto shop with Jacob and Nico. When Beth says he owes her, she is referring to the time, he helped smuggle drugs for Rudy and lost the money. Rudy was going to kill him, but she pleaded for his life.

"You don't. Funny thing is that you and Nico are different but yet so similar.  You get people to owe you so they can do your bidding while he-he just gets into your head and make you think you want the same thing as him."

When Nico said that he was going to work at the auto shop, she told Kelvin to spy on him for her. Kelvin is to get into his business and ensure Nico wasn't in hers.

"What is he trying to get you to do?" Beth asks eagerly.

"Nothing illegal, if that's what you are asking. It's about the auto shop, he is trying to discredit our competitor so as to gain more customers-"

"I don't care about that." She interrupts him. "Just call me if there's something worth telling."

"If you really want to know something, why don't go for someone who knows too well?"

"Jamal," Beth mutters.


It's weird waiting to be answered, Gianna Rae has never had to wait. She was always had V.I.P access to every place. Well, she's Ann Wheeler now.

This depressing waiting has her thinking of her life before. She had created a new Instagram page for her Ann where she stalked her former self and friends.

She's currently scrolling through Maggie's post, it doesn't seem like anything has changed. Well, except for the fact that she's not in the photos. It's like she never existed.

She doesn't know how she feels about that, maybe a little angry and a little bit relieved. If one is missing her, no one is looking for her.

"I am sorry, do you have a meeting with my dad?" A deep voice gets Gianna to look up.

Gianna immediately sits up, when she sees the incredibly attractive man before her. She must look stupid just staring at him, to be honest, she has forgotten what he asked.

"Because I came in four hours ago and you are still here."

How did she not see this man walk-in hours ago?

"Oh, I-I" She pauses, gathering her words before she speaks again. "No, I am actually waiting for the mayor to come out so I can give a quick elevator pitch."

"Oh, Melanie didn't tell you my dad stepped out two hours ago."

Gianna jaw drops as her head turns to the bitch of a receptionist. How didn't she see the Mayor leave? Is there a back door?

"I am sorry, Mel can be-"

Gianna completes the sentence for him, "A bitch?"

He nods with a smile on his face, "I am Ashton." He stretches his hands forth for her take.

"Ann," Gianna smiles shaking him slowly, their eyes never leave each other. They are both shamelessly flirting.

"Ann, I doubt I have ever seen you around town before."

Ashton doesn't claim to know everyone in town, but it's a small town, if he has ever seen a beauty like hers around, he won't forget.

"I am new, I intend on staying longer," Gianna says as they both let go of each other's hand.

"That's good. How about, I take you out for dinner and you can pitch to me what you want to pitch to my father?" Ashton asks.

Gianna intends on keeping a low profile during her stay in Purple's Ville and going on a date with the Mayor's son isn't exactly low profile.

"Hmm, I-I..." Gianna mumbles trying to think if she should accept the offer. He's handsome and she really wants to get to talk to the Mayor. "Okay." She nods.

Ashton's face breaks out into a smile, "I should probably get your number then."


"Whoa, what're all these?" Sarah asks as Gianna walks into the sitting room with bags of clothes.

"Did the Mayor accept your proposal?" Beth asks,

Gianna spent all day shopping for clothes for her date tomorrow tonight.

"Not yet, I have a date," Gianna informs Sarah and Beth as she drops the bags on the ground.

"You just go out for a day and you have a date? I have been out my whole life and I can't even score a man." Sarah complains.

"I need help choosing an outfit." Gianna pouts.

The sisters look at each other before standing up. "Sure," Beth says.

Gianna's face breaks out into a smile as she carries the bags and they all head to her room.  She has always wanted to have a girl's hangout, this isn't exactly what she had in mind but it will do.

"So who's the guy? Do we know him?"

"He's the Mayor's son?" Gianna says as they continue walking.

"He's a hottie." Beth comments.

"More like a rich hottie," Sarah says.


What do you think about the new guy?

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