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Your POV
'Curse my life'

I was currently in my math class, which meant me sitting in the second row where the teacher could keep a close eye on me "I can't believe I slept so late I wanna pass out" I mutter under my breath while resting my head on my arm

"L/n can you come up and answer this question for me" the teacher offers knowing I wasn't paying attention
"Nah I'm good sensei" I say while sighing because of exhaustion

"Let me rephrase that, L/n come up and answer this question" sensei demands while giving a mad expression
"Well you asked and I said no, but because you demanded it sure" I shrug while getting up

I then take the chalk off our sensei and started answering the question, I don't know what he was expecting because he looked so surprised when I walked back to my seat with a small smile

"Um eh ok does anyone else wanna come up" he offered which the class answered with dead silence
'He gave them a choice, why do they pick on me I get good marks.....bitches'

"Ppsstttt Y/n" I then turned around to the mystery's voice only to see Asahi
"Yeah what do you want" I ask while raising a brow

He then lifted his paper and pointed at a question "the fuck is this answer" he said which sound more of a demand then a question
"Oh it's 64" I say with a smile

"And also why do you act so smart in class and a total dumbass out of class" he questioned while lowering his hand placing the paper on the table

"That hurts Asahi" I whine while placing my hand on my chest
"L/n stop talking" sensei yelled scaring the fuck out of me

"W what" I say with a disbelief expression (this always happens to me even when i'm not talking)
"W what abou-" "I don't want to hear your excuses now finish your work" he said cutting me off from my sentence

'No one ever listens to me'
I then heard Asahi snickering while attempting to hide it, I then turn to him and mouth the word 'bitch'

(Time skip to end of school)

"Byeee Asahi" I yell from the school gates
"God any louder" he muttered loud enough for me to hear
"You should be glade I even considered to say goodbye" I say with a smile plastered on my face

He just clicked his tongue at me and walked away, while I turned and walked to the schools entrance, little did I know my life would change the moment I stepped foot into the school

"Pink bunny's where are you" I say while holding the candy in my hands expecting a whole crowed running over me, but only to be met with silence

"They usually always run up to me" I say while placing the candy in my pocket until I saw something pink hiding behind the wall

"Ha pink bunny is that youuuuuuuuu" I then noticed how the small bunny came out of its hiding place

But it was no where near as small as I remember, it looked like an Alien which was big as fuck had a bunch of eyes which were all staring at me, it gave me the creeps

"The fuck happened to you" I say until it slowly started reaching it's arms towards me
I then walk a little back just in case if the thing decides to eat me

"You have candy"
"You have candy"
"You have candy"

"You and your thirst for candy" I say walking more back until it looked like it was getting ready to run after me
"CANDY" it yelled while stretching it's arms out towards me
I then dodged it's attack swiftly and jumped way back

"I ain't dying in your hands" I yell while striking a defensive pose
"CANDY" they yell while stretching their arms once more towards me

I was about to duck until I ended up slipping and landed on my freaking back "uugghh I already cracked it this morning" I say while whining on the ground

The thing then grabbed my arms lifted me up and freaking dragged me to it's mouth "well fuck it" I mutter accepting what was going to happen to me

Until a black figure that started to move in a fast pace approached us....

"~Now that's not fair~" the figure said with a cheeky voice while chuckling devilishly
All of a sudden the weird thing was sliced into pieces and all fell apart

I expected to fall on my ass as usual but when I opened my eyes, I was met with gorgeous amber eyes which shone mystically in the bored daylight and looked so familiar

This mysterious guy was also holding me bride style, and kept starring at me "......ummm can you let me go" I say since I was so close to this random guys' chest

"Wowwww N/n you look even prettier then before" he bluntly says causing me to blush a little
"Yeah no I don't even know you" I say while trying to free myself from his grip

"Shit" I cuss while falling to the ground hard on my ass
'Why am I always falling so hard'

"Hmm N/n you don't remember me" he randomly said while leaning down to my height
"Hmmm oh are you the guy of my dreams" I say with a smile

"You really don't...remember me" he says with a disappointed look which made his amber eyes lose colour
I don't know why but I felt so sad for him 'why can't I remember anything'

"Hey you look about my age, and some how you know my name so let's restart"
"Hi my name is L/n Y/n but you call me N/n so go on ahead" I say with a smile and stretching my hand

He then looked at me and chuckled giving the atmosphere a happy vibe "my name is Tsukasa wanna be friends" he said while shaking my hand


Little did I know my life will never be the same after meeting this mysterious ghost boy named Tsukasa

I'm back when I'm not supposed to oh well I left you guys on a cliffhanger but aye at least our bby boy tsukasa is here

Well see ya guys
peace ✌️

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