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All credits to my friend queluvlye

Third POV
"So...how do you even get here" Y/n questioned watching as the ghost boy began munching cookie after cookie with pure mirth
"Well, undhslike no.heidndi7 i'msjbdjd notjsjdb consjdnected to gehy-" "tsukasa, keep eating" the H/c head ordered not understanding a single word from the boy and chose to just allow him to eat

"Who cares how he got here, just let him leave" Asahi commented dropping a cardboard box onto the ground which caused a loud thud
"Hey careful, that's my stuff you're dropping"
"What stuff, this is literally the 6 box only, you're house is already fucking empty"
"I'm not going to waste my money on useless furniture"

And with that, the two friends began to bicker left and right while the ghost boy continued to munch onto the cookies until he was all out. "N/n, we're you crying last night" tsukasa questioned earning the teen's attention

She parted her lips slightly before smiling "nope, not even a single tear" she commented with a toothy smile causing a sigh from Asahi who continued to pack materials

"Is N/n really going to move...oh" he then wrapped his arms around the teen's neck and grinned
"How about...you~live~with~mee~" he inquired leaning his face closer towards the female who only flushed a bright red
'T Too close'

"And that's when you back off, dipshit" Asahi insulted shoving his hand between the two and forcefully pushed the ghost boy back to his seat, which was on the floor

'W Wow...that was...'




She pressed onto her chest once the continuous pumping of her heart occupied into her ears 'w why am I so n nervous' she thought clenching onto her shirt before biting her lip once the sensation of heat occurred all over her face

"Bahahah, y you look l like a f f fucking TOMATO" Asahi remarked bending over to hold his stomach while laughing his ass off
"Wow he's right, are you ok" tsukasa questioned tilting his head once the girl held onto her face with a wry look

'I'm definitely not alright' she thought wanting to utter words of reassurance but instead...
"I'M FINE DON'T WORRY" she then practically felt steam coming out of her ears because of the embarrassment that has overcome her

"Pffttt bahahaha"
"Stop laughingg Asahi"


"Done, the movers will be here tomorrow morning, for now let's go home" Asahi suggested wiping his forehead once placing the last box on top of another

"Whattt, alreadyyy but I wanna spend more time with N/n" tsukasa whined flopping to the ground before rolling around like a frustrated child

"You've been here for three hours and all you've been doing is distracting Y/n to the point where she had to run out of the apartment" Asahi complained looking over his shoulder once noticing the H/c head curled up in the kitchen while muttering words under her breath

"What the hell, are you summoning a demon"

Y/n turned her head slightly to meet the two boys gazes before snapping her head back forward once making eye contact with tsukasa 'should I see a doctor...' she inquired ruffling her hair in frustration before jolting at the feeling of someone grabbing onto her arm

"Are you ok N/n" tsukasa questioned concern laced into his tone

She sweat dropped at the contact between them before sighing "tired..." she muttered as a response before widening her eyes once the ghost boy gently placed her head onto his lap

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