Clover gets settled

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"Clover you get to be in a room with Violet again and we will see in a few days if the medicine worked," Louis says as he laid her down in her bed for the time being

Clover was happy she was with her friend again, but she was not happy once the girls get released they won't see each other anymore

"I think she is happy Clover is back with her" Logan says to Louis

"Yeah Clover is happy to be with Violet we will have to set-up playdates twice a week so she could see her" Louis says to Logan

"Yeah that works for us," Louis says cause there might be three playdates

(Weeks later)

The girls had to be separated cause of the new virus that was going around and the girls hated it a lot so the hospital tried to keep them together somehow, but they had to be separated and they were counting down to when the girls get released and they were going to go home, and Clover was closer to going home and Violet was going to follow later that day

"Hey Clover ready to go home sweetie?" Louis asks cause Niall had to stay in the car

Clover nodded cause she was in fact ready to go home and get settled in cause she wanted to see her bedroom and sleep in her new bed finally, but she wanted to see Violet first and hug her goodbye for sure

"I can see if you can air hug Violet bye I know you two are close" Louis says to her as he was going to see what can be done for the two girls

Clover was going to be allowed to actually hug Violet bye and they were going to do a walk for both girls when they get released from the hospital cause that was a big day for the two girls in general right now

"Looks like Violet's daddies had the same idea as your daddies for your outfit" Louis says to her cause Niall and Kendall were going to be waiting by the vans when the girls get released

Clover smiles at him cause she was excited to see her friend again before going home to get settled in and sleep in a real bed with actual sheets and maybe a stuffed animal

Both girls hugged each other tight before they headed out of the hospital and to the right vehicles that will

"Papa Niall is in the car waiting for you" Louis tells her as they were leaving to go home and they were going to get her settled cause it was going to be a long night cause she was going to be in a new place and Violet was not going to be there

"Will sissy be in the car too?" Clover asks him

"Yes sweetie sissy is in the car too and she can not wait to see you" Louis says as he was walking with her to the car so she could go home

Clover was more excited to see her baby sister cause she has not seen her in a long time and her baby sister might not recognize her cause they were separated for a long time 

more next week I hope like Violet 

Adopted by Nouis & Kogan (a childhood cancer fic)Where stories live. Discover now