Extra Chapter: A Rare Talk With Destroyer

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Timeline: Set between Destroyer and The IIconics unveiling the new looks for the WWE Universal Championship, and the WWE Universal Championship match between Destroyer and Shinsuke Nakamura.

As far as surprising days go, Destroyer was pretty sure that being asked to do an interview with Chris Van Vliet was up there in "Did not expect this to happen" moments and/or surprises. 

Destroyer himself rarely, if ever, did interviews outside of a rare few ones, and those were for the following people and interview panels: Alicia Atout, Cultaholic, Wrestling With Wregret, and Whatculture. 

It wasn't as if he didn't have his reasons either for not wanting to do interviews and despising doing interviews in general: he just didn't trust people who interviewed him would not leak out something he said as if it was news - when in reality it would be anything but that - or that they would bring up something personal with him or private to him and then try to get more out of it, or try to throw shade at him or insult him. He's had friends who have had that done to them before, and it left a sour taste in his mouth at hearing the stories.

However, the reason he didn't shut down the interviewers that he had mentioned was because they were respectful with their requests and with their questions, and they were very understanding with his request of being patient with him and not pushing him into talking about family or private matters that he was not comfortable with. 

In fact, in the case of Brian Zane and Alicia Atout, he even became friends with them after some time and was even up for second interviews with them as well as Cultaholic and Whatculture. Hell, he'd even had a training session with Simon Miller at one point when the two had a day off and were in the same area. 

So, how did he end up agreeing to an interview request with Chris Van Vliet? Well, that one is rather easy to answer: first of all, Destroyer often listened to Chris's interviews when he did his early morning runs when he wasn't in the mood to listen to music, and he got to talking with Chris beforehand via a call and they made the time, date and place for an interview - which was today, at Chris's easiest convenience, and in the hotel room that Destroyer was in. 

Soon, the interview was underway, and Destroyer was wearing something different from what he was wearing normally in the ring and in general.

Soon, the interview was underway, and Destroyer was wearing something different from what he was wearing normally in the ring and in general

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[Note: For this one, I will be stating who is speaking when, but this may only be a one-time thing].

Chris Van Vliet: "Well, first off, hello to everyone, and I'm SO stoked to be introducing you to my guest at this time - although, technically, I'm your guest here I think - "The King of Destruction" himself, Destroyer!"

Destroyer could not help but chuckle a bit at that introduction a little, but he took it in his stride as he continued with the interview.

Destroyer: "Thanks. Glad we could make this happen."

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