Scrub- unlike pluto

Start from the beginning

"To clean." San pointed out. "Let's just lay down together until the others notice." "I'm tired"

"I'll put an alarm 8 minutes before our next class"


The three layed nexted to each other cuddleing slightly falling asleep. 30 Minutes passed and The door opened a worried Mingi, jongho and Wooyoung plus a hongjoong and yeosang entered the room looking sound the dark room then looking to the floor to see the three missing boys sleeping on the floor. Jongho sighed and quietly put yunho on him lap hugging him tightly. Wooyoung also crawled into san's sleeping arms wrapping himself in them and falling asleep him self. Mingi then looked towards seonghwas body. The boy was cold and curled up in a ball probably by slipping out of yunho and sans grip when they fell asleep.

Mingi slowly pulled hwa on top of his body letting him rest comfortably and so he didn't have to be on the floor off a surprising clean room. "Hongjoon last hour had Ended right? So schools should be over right?"

"Technically yes but we have o stay for an hour more but in case but we can just sleep until then."

"Fine by me" yeosang spat while getting closer to cuddle with joon" school ended and everyone was leaving. Usually they would all walk together after school but seonghwa took a turn and was walking away from the boys.

"Hey hwa where are you going? We always walk this way."mingi said trying to catch the older.

"Don't worry I'll go home but I Need to be somewhere."Seonghwa replied looking him in the eyes which made mingi stop

"Okay... make sure you come home if you don't I'll go looking for you Okay."
"Alright!" Seonghwa yelled back then whispered under his breath "good luck with that" and disappeared into the shadows.

Seonghwa has been walking for hours but it felt like two minutes until he finally found what he was looking for. "Sorry I got lost on the way here."

"It okay." 
"Yeah don't worry we wouldn't leave anyway!" Ahead of seonghwa were 5 boys by the names of jungkook,jimin, johnny, mark and minghao. Jungkook and jimin were together and so where johnny and mark minghao was just as single as Seonghwa. "The other two aren't here yet huh." Jimin said softly " it's alright they'll come you know that." Jungkook reassured jimin by a back hug.

"Sorry we are late" two more boys ran up to them followed by a

" sung im tired of running" and a

"Okay baby get on my back" and some giggles.

  "Y'all lovey dovey shit is making me and seonghwa feel way more single than we need to Okay like I get it." minghao laughed and every one joined in. "Okay so let's see..Seonghwa johnny mark jisung Felix jimin jungkook andddd me. Great we all here."

"Let's get it!" Jungkook yelled and every one laughed. And they all began to walk again through the forest until they found there spot. It looked magical almost like fantasy really it was so much more green then everything else and the trees stood taller with animals and the water was a crystal blue.  Every one sat down and layed together. Sighing and giggling watching felix and jimin be small and chasing each other as the others rested

"So what about mingi and his friends" minghao asked sitting up

"What about them?" Seonghwa replied. Also sitting up

"I don't know I mean you came here to get away from something right?"

"Well.. yeah but no but-"

"What is it hwa you can tell us you know that right."

"See I'm scared that they are only doing this because of pity or because they feel bad. They always bring it up now and then and I don't know what I would do if-"

"I'm sure they just care but, I see what your getting at I would think that too it's not bad to wonder."

"Yeah... to wonder."
Seonghwa layed down back on the ground and the others cuddled with their love ones if they had one. Jungkook held jimin while leaning on a tree and Felix layed on top of han as he played with his hair and jisung had his hand over Felix's tummy's bump where laid his soon to be born child and mark fit perfectly in Johnny's arms while seonghwa and minghao feel asleep.

Not realizing his phone beeping

Mingi:(12:25) hwa where are you
Mingi: (2:16)it's dark I'm going out to look for you
Mingi: (4:05)I can't find you don't tell me you ran away. Did we do something or did I do something
Mingi: (4:05)I'm sorry if I did. But please come back and we can talk about it your gonna get hurt
Mingi:(4:07)if your ignoring me then please be safe....


Words: 1540

I'm sorry I'm taking so long I'm trying to thing about what to write and if it's still interesting 🤧😅😭 it takes like 2days for one chapter. So it's gonna take a while Sorry...

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