Scrub- unlike pluto

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Titles are songs :)

Seonghwa got undressed and walked towards the shower curtains,pulled them to the side and turned on the water. Once he got in he began to wash his hair and body trying to wash off the dent of alcohol left from San hugging him. He hear the door creek slightly and his head shot at the Direction of the door. The creek was then followed by a voice,

"Hey hwa, I got you clothes ima put it on the toilet lid so they don't fall on the floor. Oh. And here's a towel." Mingi then tossed a towel on the hem of the curtain so it was hanging but wouldn't get wet in the process. "Sorry if I startled you."

"It okay I wasn't scared. But thank you for the towel and the clothes ima get out... soon?" Seonghwa trailed off

"Okay ima make food then im going to a cafe a chill especially to get away from the party yesterday . You can stay here and rest."

"Kay'" he replied then the door closed. Seonghwa sighed as the water continued to hit his body. He has never let anyone see his body but he was surprisingly fit and also had a tight 6 pack and a strong vline. His mother used to say he was golden and that it would bring peace to the world one day or peace to his life
He also had a tattoo. On his shoulder well basically on top of his right bicep but it's a heart beat. His mothers heat beat beef or she passed away.

Seonghwa looked down at the tattoo and his mother automatically popped and ate away at his head
"You were such a good person why did you go? My step mom is nothing like you..."

He heard a knock on the door with a small shout.
"Foods done ima leave it on the counter."
"Okay" He then turned off the water  grabbing the towel and wrapped it around his waist.
Put on the pants mingi has left him and then ruffled his hair drying it in the process. Got dress and went down stairs. He saw the French toast with sunny side up eggs and some sausages with a note that read hey I went out to the cafe with friend like I told you here's some food it's not much but hopefully it's good enough for you :)- mingi

So Seonghwa smiled and began to eat. Once he was finished he decided to go to the gym to put his mind away from everything as he once used to

Seonghwa now stays with mingi and his friend group  and no longer gets picked on well not AS much as he used to it all began to calm down for the boy and he was happy he could finally have some one to call friends and people he can talk to and smile to and hug and tell his problems to he finally had something.

"WHAT THE FuCk!?" Yeosang yelled across the lunch table

"EAT IT bITcH"  jongho replied throwing another apple slice at yeosang

"IF YOU THROW ONE MORE DAMN APPLE IM GONNA-" hongjoong started but was cut off by a three apple slices entering his mouth shutting him up

"SSSssssShhhhHhhhh" jongho then closer his eyes adding another slice into his mouth. "If you talk one more time I'll give you more apples thrown at you" he smirked slapping hongjoong face

"BIOTCH?!" The table was a mess the three fighting over apples mingi and wooyoung having an argument about school and yunho san and seonghwa sitting on the opposite side.
"Should we just-" yunho was about to finish until seonghwa interrupted

"I agree" san said then the three got up and walked way from the table slowly.

"How did we actually get away from them"

"I have NO fucking idea."

"In here." Yunho opened the door to a library that hadn't been used ever since the school was built but it was always clean. 
"Wow..." Seonghwa enteres touching the shelf's and couches and lifted his finger to see no dust.
"It's really clean.."

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