Birthday party

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Everyone was enjoying the party.

Sofia was enjoying herself until Hugo took her away from the crowds. Hugo took to her to the garden.

Sofia asked, "What are you doing?"

Hugo said, "Well I have something important to ask you?"

Sofia asked suspicious of his behaviour, "Sure what is it?"

Hugo kneeled one knee down and said to Sofia while holding her hand tightly, "Princess Sofia, ever since you helped bring honour to my family and make them happy and as well me and with my ice dancing also I might add." "Ever since we became friends I can't picture my life without you." "It's like every time when you are in my life everything seems so much brighter and fuller when you're in it." "I know I can be an idiot or a dummy to you sometimes, I'm happiest when I'm around you and I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt you." "And you're one of my closest friends and my best friend." "So Princess Sofia will you be my girlfriend?"

Sofia said, "You're an idiot but you're my idiot."

Hugo shook his head as he stood up and kissed her again when they kissed they both hear very hyper giggles and gasps and squeals. It was coming from the bushes in front of them.

Hugo said while holding Sofia close to him, "Alright guys!" "You can out now we know you're there and if Dad, Mum and Axel are here I don't really care since their my family but you guys I kinda care."

Sofia shouted, "Come on ladies!" "I know you're there and I don't really care either whether my Dad, Mum, Amber and James are here besides they should a least know about our relationship anyway."

The Royal Family of Enchancia and King Garrick, Queen Samira and Axel came out. With the two royal families came out as did their friends.

King Garrick chuckled, "Good job Champ you got yourself a girlfriend."

Queen Samira said while going to Sofia and hugging her, "Yes I can't imagine anyone else better or kinder for our son."

Sofia and Hugo blushed at those words.

King Roland said in a serious voice, "You better not hurt my youngest daughter Prince Hugo." "She can be quite fragile and can be hurt easily." "Otherwise you're going to get the talk from me."

Hugo gulped nervously.

James reassured his dad, "Don't worry Dad I asked Hugo that question before he would never hurt Sofia and even if he did he wouldn't forgive himself if he did."

King Roland smiled brightly, "Okay but if he does anything to you Sofia don't hesitate to tell me or you brother and sister."

Sofia nodded.

Axel teased, "Welcome to the family little sis." Winking at Hugo knowing someday he will propose to her. Hugo gestured his brother Axel to stop while he was bright red.

Hildegard said while fanning her fan in her face, "I'm so happy for you Sofia." "I honestly can't imagine anyone better with Hugo." "You're quite lucky to have Prince Hugo as your boyfriend." The rest of the princesses nodded.

Hugo said, "Trust me Hildegard, I think I'm the lucky to have Sofia as my best friend and girlfriend."

Sofia blushed while her princess friends giggled and said, "Aww."

All of Hugo's friends were congratulating him on getting a girlfriend. As did Sofia's friends as well.

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