it's august 25th, and avani's tweet made me sad. i really hope she's doing ok.

but i'll find out for myself tonight.

it's only 7 but i'm pacing around, nervous.

i have a plan.

"come on down, mi amor!" my mom calls.

i'm pretty much quiet during dinner.

after, i wash the dishes.

"i'm gonna go to bed," i tell my mom.

"it's a bit early for that, no?" she asks.

i look at the clock. it's 8:45.

"yeah, but i'm really tired. i could use a good nights sleep," i reply. i fake yawn for effect.

i get up to my room and continue to pace around.

it's not even like my plan is that serious.

i really don't have anything past the first step.

and that's only if she'll let me in.

i hear my mom get herself ready for bed around 11. and then at midnight, i put a sweater on and open my door slowly.

i walk over to my moms room and try to listen. i don't hear anything, so i guess she's sleeping.

i go downstairs and walk right out the front door.

i walk fast to avani's house for two reasons. one, i wanted to get there. two, it's scary walking alone late at night as a girl.

i get to avani's block and freeze.

i think about what i'm doing.

but i keep walking.

i get to her gate, and i'm a lot more careful with it this time.

i look up.

i'm assuming the window that lit up last time is hers.

it's a guess that i'm really, really hoping is right.

i look around. i pick up a handful of rocks. nothing too big because i don't want to break her window.

i pick one to throw first. i take a deep breath.

from out here, the sound it made wasn't super loud. meaning it wasn't any louder in her room.

i'm really hoping she's not listening to music or something right now.

i throw a second, third, fourth, fifth and finally a sixth rock. i sigh.

i pick up one more rock from the ground and throw it before i really had a chance to look at what i was throwing it at.

"ow!" avani says. i hit her right in the forehead. i slap my hand over my mouth.

"i'm so sorry! i didn't mean..." i start apologizing, but i realize avani's laughing.

i wanted to make up with her, and here i am assaulting her with rocks.

"it's ok, i promise," she says. she looks around and takes a breath of fresh air. i see her relax. "i was hoping i'd get to talk to you."

"yeah about that, i was so upset when you didn't text me. and then i saw all the cute photos of you and anthony and started blaming myself."

avani shakes her head.

"it wasn't your fault. it was kind of anthony's i guess. although ultimately mine," i see her bite her lip. she's obviously nervous.

"what's wrong?" i ask.

"i was just so upset at everything i blamed you for it. i blamed you for what was going on between anthony and i, for what my friends were telling me to do, for everything i was feeling....and it...i don't know. it took over me. i destroyed the flowers. i ripped up all your letters. i deleted your phone number."

i look around. i don't know how to respond.

"i wanted to get rid of everything that had to do with you," she says, her voice breaking. "...because without even meaning to...i fell for you."

i gasp.

"i know, i know. i wanted to pretend i didn't know you. i wanted to pretend like i didn't stay up all night thinking about you multiple times. as if i don't get butterflies every time you touch me. as if i wasn't looking forward to all your letters. as if i didn't think you're the most beautiful girl in the world. i really tried cassandra. but i couldn't. you're so mesmerizing. everything about you. and make me feel safe. something i haven't felt in a long time. i really, really like you."

i nervous laugh.

"i mean, i stayed up all night too. i was so determined to see you again i came to your house at 4 in the morning. if that doesn't show dedication, i don't know what will," i say, and we laugh. i was going to continue when avani interrupted.

"and that's another thing. you always know how to put a smile on my face. i could literally be having the worst day of my life and you still make me happy. you're just...perfect."

"i don't know about that," i say.

"no. it's true. i mean, i always thought i was hard to get along with until you made it seem so easy. even when i tried to give up on you, you saw right through it and kept coming back. you saw i needed help and you wanted to be there for me even if i was going to make it difficult," she gestures around. "look at where we are right now. it's....the strangest feeling. but i could get used to this."

she moved me to tears. no one has ever done that before.

"wow," i say. "thank you."

she smiles at me. i think for a second.

"you know, you have the prettiest smile. it's such a shame everyone doesn't get to see it more often. as cheesy as it sounds, it truly lights up a room."

she smiles again.

"i guess that tells you who really makes me happy."

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e.j.'s notes:
we love a good turning point.
although there will still be some bumps along the way :((

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