Betrayal: The Ninth Circle of Hell

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The battle was hard-fought but Safe Haven won, and you are now safe within its walls... or so you thought. 

Inside Safe Haven, zeds are replaced by secrets. You have no one to trust except for the people in your small band of survivors. Safe Haven survivors outnumber your people ten to one. You ask Johnny, the best scout on your team, to learn more about Safe Haven. 

One night, he tells you he found out the truth, but you are interrupted before he has a chance to tell you. The next morning, you find Johnny is missing. No one seems to know anything. You know something bad has happened. You spend the next week searching for clues, and you discover one of Johnny's boots outside the walls of Safe Haven. The boot is covered in dried blood, and you know your friend was murdered. 

You return to the house your group shares and wait for everyone to return. While waiting, you decide to pick up the messy place. While you are putting away clothes, you discover Johnny's wedding ring--something he'd never remove willingly--in Frank's pack.

You sit and wait.

Frank is the last of your group to arrive home. When he steps through the door, you press a blade against his neck. When you hold up the ring, everyone realizes that Frank had betrayed your group. To save his life, he quickly confesses: Johnny had caught Frank negotiating with the townfolk to kill the rest of your group in return for his safety. 

As Frank pleads for his life, you slide the blade across neck, and let his blood cover the wood floors. Now, you know the truth. The town doesn't plan to let you and your people live. What do you do? Do you leave Safe Haven and return to the zed-infested world outside its walls? Or, do you attempt a coup to take over the town? Whatever you decide will determine how your group will survive the zombie apocalypse! 

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