𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢.━━━ bad dreams

Start from the beginning

"Get away from me!" the little girl cried threateningly but the hammer trembled and so did her voice. The stranger looked at her sadly.

"I won't hurt you." he said soothingly, he spotted her ankle, now swelling. "Doesn't that hurt?" she lied and shook her head. " Look here Kitten, I know you're scared but you need my help. Do you trust me?" Her head shook again, only now truthfully. The stranger sighed. "No, I didn't expect you to." A sharp intake of breath left her when she saw his eyes, they weren't brown anymore but startling gold-green cat eyes. 

"See, I'm just like you. Please, do you trust me now?" Tearing up she nodded, letting the hammer clatter back onto the ground and took his outstretched hand. The man smiled and took her skinny figure, into his arms, to spare her from walking. "Want to see something, Kitten?" she shrugged, liking her nickname. Freeing one of his hands he drew a circle in the air and a golden curtain of light blazed in front of them. The girl tensed, "That, is a Portal." he explained, "So we can travel faster. Don't worry Thalia, your safe now." 

"How did you know my name?" The little girl asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell you, soon enough after I get you somewhere safe, Thalia." She frowned.

"Don't call me that, it's not my name anymore."

"So, what is your name, now?"

"Kiara. And you are?"

"Call me Magnus." Kiara saw white dots, pepper her vision, a searing white-hot pain stabbed her skull and she fell to the ground, exhausted in the middle of the Silent Brothers. 

"What happened? Where is Kiara?" Alec demanded, worriedly at Kiara's absence. Clary had ran out of the City, leaving Kiara. And Jace followed her, guiltily and hoping Kiara would be okay.

"She's still down there, the Silent Brothers have more memories accessible from her than Clary." Jace explained. Alec looked at his adoptive brother and Clary furiously.

"So you just left her there? Alone!" Without waiting for them to respond Alec sprinted down the staircase to find Kiara, he couldn't risk the Silent Brother's pushing her limits. Barely, taking in his surroundings Alec ran into the chamber, just in time to see Kiara fall.

Alec rushed to the fallen figure and knelt beside her. Kiara's eyes were closed, her forehead sported a long cut, issuing blood. Her body was disturbingly cold but to Alec's relief Kiara had a pulse. He brought out two steles from his jean pocket, noticing that the second belonged to Kiara. Using her one, Alec traced the healing rune on her shoulder, the cut healed; knitting the skin back together, and ushering the blood back under it. Startling grey eyes flickered open.

"Stop staring, Nephilim." Kiara mumbled tiredly. In spite of himself Alec grinned at Kiara's renewed consciousness. They had barely acknowledged the fact that only one Silent Brother remained. "What I saw... isn't there more?"

"Like Clarissa Fairchild, little was accessible to us. However the block in your mind is tampered , your memories will come but at their own time. Or rather yours." Kiara nodded and got back up on her feet with Alec's support.

"Thank you." Kiara said to the Silent Brother, who nodded and left them in silence. Suddenly, his departure, changed the room's atmosphere and Kiara's breathing shortened. She coughed and doubled over as her headache returned.

"What's wrong? Kiara?" Alec watched her helplessly.

"I don't think the City of Bones likes me very much." Kiara said weakly, her insides felt like they were being twisted into someone else's design. And she felt very light headed. "Alec..." Kiara groaned, stumbling into his chest. "I need to get out of here— fast—I feel so sick." Kiara felt herself want to blackout again. Without hesitating, Alec picked her up in his arms and ran for the surface. Away from the City. The moment Kiara inhaled fresh air, her body eased back to normal.

 She smiled gratefully at Alec and let herself stand on her own. Kiara immediately noticed that Jace and Clary were already here. They looked at her apologetically but she clenched her jaw and stood next to Alec.

"So." Alec began, "What did you find out?"

"Valentine is Clary's father." Jace replied before looking at Kiara "It also seems that Jocelyn had a sister—Seraphina, who is Kiara's mother."

"Leaving me with a villainous uncle and an unknown father." Kiara finished. One thing was for sure, the family she was supposedly born into weren't really her parents. Kiara thought. But this left her just as confused. 

Sha was adopted once before?


"Wait a minute." Alec narrowed his eyes and stepped away from Kiara as if she carried a contagious disease. Hurt shone in her face, and Alec's steeliness broke for a second. Feeling guilty but he shook it off and he glared coldly at Kiara and Clary.

"You're telling me these two girls show up out of nowhere— and their related to Valentine? Did it occur to you that they might be a spies? This might be part of their plan?"

"That's enough, Alec." Jace said warningly but it didn't stop what happened next. 

Kiara stormed up to the blue eyed Shadowhunter, who towered over her. Kiara punched him right across the face and shoved him. Alec stumbled back, his eyes widened in shock and absentmindedly touched his cheek, where a angry purple bruise was forming. Jace and Clary gaped— Jace tense, incase he had to intervene. Kiara kept her fists curled, grey eyes flashing dangerously.

 "I'm sorry," Kiara said in a dangerously calm voice, "I just don't like being accused for something, I didn't do."

"It's your fault!" Your fault you hear me? Come here you little bitch!"

"I-m sorr— But I didn't. I— I wasn't— but—stop! Stop! plea—"

Kiara took one step forward, and was embraced with a different kind of satisfaction. When Alec took one step back.

"Kiara?" Clary called out uncertainly.

"I never wanted this. I don't to be apart... of this world, Lightwood." A noose tightened around Kiara's neck. "Much less, to have my body turned inside out with pain. Jocelyn... gone. Or me questioning whether the things in my mind are fake. So don't you dare—" Kiara looked at the young man, straight in the eye. "Call me a two-faced liar."

"I'm protecting my siblings and doing my duty as a Shadowhunter. You yourself, said you respected that."

"And I told you, that I'm doing what's best for my family. Dragging Clary into this is far from that."

"You—" Alec tried to argue back. 

"No. Like I said you are free to suspect me, with all the circumstance pointing at me. But get off your high horse, and accept the possibility that you could be wrong." Kiara finished. Alec couldn't seem to find something better to say, so he kept quiet.

"I don't trust you."

"What a surprising revelation."

"Guys?" Clary bit her bottom lip. "Where's Simon and Izzy?"

 As if on cue Izzy appeared from behind a graffitied pillar, looking anxious and tense but no Simon.

"Where's Simon, Izzy?" Kiara asked her, her voice slightly higher. Alec noticed how upset she was but said nothing.

"I told him to stay in the van. I've searched everywhere." Izzy said quickly, eyes darting to Kiara and Clary for their reactions.

"He's gone?" Kiara asked in disbelief.


𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐂━━━ shadowhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now