I've met him before

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(SETTING: so taka invited Mondo to his house and Mondo gets to meet Takas dad)

"Mondo where here!" Taka exclaimed as he pulled up to the house.

"Geez taka I don't know if this is a good idea.." Mondo said

"Mondo trust me my dad is gonna love you" taka replied

Taka took his keys out of his pocket and opened the door
"Dad! I'm home! And I brought my boyfri- I mean best friend!" Taka almost admitted that Mondo was his boyfriend. He didn't know how his dad would react.

Takas dad was cooking so he hadn't turned around to see Takas "friend"

" Hi taka. I'm just makeing dinner. I won't be long so you and your " friend"  should go upstairs."

"Ok dad" taka shouted already running up the stairs and grabbing mondos hand.

(Time skip brought to you by leons gotee)


"IM COMEING" taka said quickly putting his shirt back on (😏) and rushing down the stairs with Mondo behind him.

(Yeh ok so there all like now sitting at the table eating and Takas dad (I forgot his name) still hasnt looked at Mondo yet)

As Takas dad finaly sat down to eat he looked up at Mondo

" Wait a second..." Takas dad said suspiciously and gave mondo a look.

"Mhh?- wait ..." Mondo then recognised who Takas dad was

Mondo was running from the police this one time for spray painting a building and stealing with his gang and was on the most wanted list for a long time.(not just from that)

"I could arrest you right now. But your friends with my son and I don't wanna break his gay heart" Takas dad said loudly to mondo

"Uhhh wait what?!" Taka said in supprize. He never told his dad he was gay so how could he know.

" Oh taka I knew you where gay for years now" he said

"....oh" taka just kind mumbled

That's all your getting bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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