ishimondo sMeT

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So ummm yeh the smut part is gonna come in a little bit so yeh.also top taka.

Taka was just peacefully walking in the halls trying to find any students trying to skip class. And of course he found the halls.

"HEY NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!" taka shouted at Mondo.
"Yeh yeh..." Mondo mumbled as he slowed down.
" I just can't believe how many rules you brake " taka sighed

"And I can't believe how many rules you follow"Mondo laughed

"Wait shouldn't you be in class?!'
Taka said suspiciously

"Ummm welll...." Mondo tryed to make up an excuse.

"Umm I was just going! Yeh.."
He tryed to get away from the hall moniter.

"Realy Mondo. Don't skip class." Taka handed him a detention slip.


It was the end of the day and Mondo was smokeing by the dorms (still on school grounds) thinking he won't get caught. But taka was passing by and saw...

"Mondo what are you doing?!"
Taka yelled at him

"Non of your business nerd" Mondo said

"Smokeing is not allowed on school grounds! And arnt you suppost to be in detention!?" Taka said angrily

"Who cares about detention" Mondo laughed and put the cigarette in the bin

"Skipping class,running in the halls, smokeing and now skipping detention!? Your comeing with me to be pushed!" Taka grabbed Mondo and dragged him to his dorm. Mondo was confused but went along just cause then he would have an excuse to not go to detention.

Taka opened the door and dragged Mondo to his bed room and pushed him onto the bed.


"What are yo-" Mondo was cut of by taka smashing his lips into mondos.
As taka started to kiss mondos neck he found that spot and bite down on it makeing Mondo moan.

(I hate my life and if you know me no you don't)

"Nnhgg~" Mondo moaned as taka bit down on his neck

"Do you want to continue?"taka asked
(Good consent)

"Yeh..." Mondo answered

So taka took his shirt of and did the same for Mondo, started leaving love bites all over mondos body makeing them visible.

(I need help)

Taka looked down at mondos erection and the took Mondo baggy trousers of and started the suck his manhood.

"Ha-haaahhh taka~" Mondo moaned "i-im gonna-"

"Not yet. This is your punishment remember." Taka stoped him.

"D-d-danm it " Mondo panted

Taka threw the rest of his clothes of and positioned himself at mondos entrance


"Are you ready for me to prepare you? Taka asked makeing sure Mondo was ready

"Y-yeh" Mondo stuttered witch is something he never does... Except for now 
Taka slid his finger into mondos mouth and made him suck them

"Ahhh~ sh-shit!" Mondo moaned
His moaning realy made taka turned on even tho he hates swears.

Then with no waring taka rammed into mondo at full speed ( I need a break)

"AHHH~ FUCKEN HELL T-TAKA!" Mondo screamed

"Sorry was that t-to hard?" Taka worried

"N-no keep m-moveing ple-please!" Mondo moaned quietly. Taka slowly thrusted into Mondo. Slowly .

"F-faster!" Mondo whimpered

"Beg" taka wisperd in mondos ear
" Beg like a good dog who listens to what his master says"

"Ahh~ t-takaahh~ please i-i beg you ju-just please go faster!" Mondo begged and just like that taka thrusted into him hard

"FU-OOHH~ t-TakA! I- I think im-im!"
Mondo tryed to say till taka cut him of with a kiss and said " i-i think so to!"
And came into Mondo.

" N-now will you listen?!" Taka panted.
But Mondo had already passed out onto the bed.

"F-f-frick" taka cursed ( bruh you just had the dirty and you can't even swear?)

Ok yeh that's it ok imma go jump in a hole now 😃

ishimondo and yasuleon oneshots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें