Chapter 13: Natagumo Mountain & Hashira Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Water Breathing. Eleventh Form: Lull" it seemed as if he didn't do a thing and all of the Lower Moon's threads were cut. And in a moments notice he cut off his head for good this time. Seeing this, you slowly approached Tomioka who was as calm as ever. "Tomioka-san, it's been a long time since I last saw you" You took off the mask momentarily as you said in a calm demeanor due to the current situation. "...It's you." Is all he said as you both turned to see the headless body walking to both the boy and the girl who were both on the floor and very injured, it looked like he wanted to reach them for whatever reason.

Out of nowhere you were invaded by the feeling of sadness, emptiness, shame. Then Tomioka approached them stepping on the Demons clothes.
"Don't waste any Sympathy on a Demon that devoured humans. It doesn't matter if it looks like a child.
It's still a horrendous monster that has lived for decades". This made you feel bad since you knew how it felt right before it died.

The boy didn't hesitate to reply to him "To avenge the people who were killed, to make sure there are no more victims, of course, I'll bring my blade down on any Demon's neck without mercy! But as for those whom being a demon meant despair, those who regretted their own actions... I will never trample on them" You could tell he was getting emotional as he was saying this. When you got closer to him you realized this was Kamado Tanjiro, the boy you met some days ago In the Wisteria House. The girl, the Demon, it seemed like it was his sister now that you looked at both of them correctly. Even if she was a Demon, she fought and saved her brother valiantly so you were unsure of what to do.

Tomioka seemed to recognize this boy as well when he got closer to him too. 'Could they have met in the past?' you thought to yourself.
Something in the wind didn't feel right, and both you and Tomioka noticed this as Shinobu came ready to go for the kill on the young demon girl. You stood in front of both of them as you parried her attack but still managed to get cut by her. Tomioka only stood on guard in case she was going to attack again.

"Ara~" Shinobu said as she landed. "Why would you get in my way (Y/n), Tomioka-san?" she said. "You just told me that we could never be friends with demons... How should I put this?" She looked directly at Tomioka with pure anger "That's exactly why everyone hates you, you know?" She added as she gave a small laugh.
This shocked all of you after she said that.

"All right, (Y/n)-san, Tomioka-san, please move out the way" After she said this you knew that she was mad at you too, she never calls you by an honorific anymore, unless she's angry.
Tomioka then looked dead at her and slowly spoke. "I'm not.. I am not hated" This reply made everyone there even more shocked, you turned to look at him, Tanjiro even raised his head after hearing this. Shinobu on the other hand was visibly pissed by this.

She simply sighed and smiled "Well, I'm sorry. You haven't even realized that you were hated, then? That was uncalled for. Please forgive me"
This was the last straw as now this even hurt Tomioka. Both you and Tanjiro looked at him as this would hurt anyone.

Shinobu then turned to look at Tanjiro "Little Boy!" Tanjiro answered immediately "Yes!".
"What you're protecting is a demon. I don't want you to get hurt, so please move away." she said putting her hand near her mouth as a mean to speak louder.
"Y-You're mistaken! I mean, you're not mistaken, but... She's my younger sister! So you see.." Tanjiro picked the girl up a bit as he explained. This confirmed what you were thinking a moment ago, it was his sister, and she did save him intentionally.

Shinobu frowned as she heard this, covering her mouth "Is that right? Poor thing" but then smiled again "In that case, I shall use a gentle toxin to kill her, so she won't suffer, all right?" she then readied her sword.
This made Tanjiro worried and scared. You quickly tugged on Tomioka's shoulder and looked at him dead in the eyes and he understood immediately after.

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