Chapter 13: Natagumo Mountain & Hashira Meeting

Start from the beginning

You waited for everyone else to finish as well to start cleaning up the kitchen and dining room, once they did Shinobu stayed in the room with you a while longer. "Are you no longer busy?" You said as you were gathering all the dishes on the table, "I'm always busy, (Y/n). But I do enjoy my time with you as well." She smiled. "So the big meeting is in 4 days, huh?" You asked still nervous about the whole ordeal. "I know what you are thinking about, but I assured you that you will be fine. And everyone there is going to be acknowledge you as well, besides, you've already won five Hashira over, including me" She approached you, stood on a small chair and kissed your cheek. This was the most adorable thing you had ever seen, but you knew that if you said something about it you were most likely going to get hurt in a horrible way.

As you were finishing up the cleaning Okashī came through the window you had just opened and landed on your shoulder. "URGENCY.. UR-GEN-CY. GO KILL A BER-SERK DEMON NORTHWEST. NORTH-WE-ST." his yelling was as annoying as ever, but you were confused as to why you had a mission only days before the meeting. Despite this fact, you still had to go and finish this up quickly so you could head straight to the Ubuyashiki Estate right after.

You went to get your blades and mask and to mention what just happened to Shinobu who was preparing her own things in her bedroom to head out in 3 days from now.
"Oh my.. You have a mission? Now of all times.." she was concerned and confused as well, she calmly smiled and looked at you "Well it's best if you head out now before it's too late, (Y/n). Once you're done I will be waiting for your safe return with a small reward for you" She slightly raised her eyebrows as she looked at you. You immediately blushed like a madman and smiled "I will come back to you as soon as I can." You got close to her and kissed her goodbye.

You left running as fast as you could to the small village you were sent to so you could go back as soon as possible and not be late in the presence of Oyakata-sama who you respected so much. You were pretty sure the other pillars thought the same way about him and held him with such high esteem. This had to be an in-and-out mission so you didn't care about anything else.

Before you arrived to the town where you had your mission, you stopped quickly by a Wisteria House to get a free meal and go on your way. On your short stay you noticed a strange trio of Slayers that were in the premises as well: One has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs with white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. Another has ruffled, black hair with burgundy tips, combed back to expose his forehead, he also has a scar on the top left of his forehead, with his eyes as gentle as the warmth of the sun. He carried a checkerd green haori and hanafuda earings. And the last one... you had absolutely no idea what it was.
But they seemed to get along very well and were having fun, so you enjoyed their company for a moment.

While you were eating the young boy with Hanafuda-like earings approached you. "Would you like to eat with us so you won't be alone?" He smiled at you, you felt right away that this boy was a nice one. you got up and went to sit with them as you all ate.
"Hi! I'm Mitsuki (Y/n), Tsuchinoe. A pleasure to meet you three!" You said as you gently bowed.
"I'm Kamado Tanjiro, This is Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke. We're all Mizunoto! So that means you're our senpai" Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu bowed while Inosuke had a confused expression all throughout his body. You were kind of awkward because you couldn't really see Inosukes face.

After you were done eating you got up, bowed to them and put on your blood moon kabuki mask ready to depart and complete this once and for all. "I hope i'll see you some time soon on a mission or to eat again! Hope you get better soon young ones!". Zenitsu looked at you with his eyes wide open, astonished and as you left you noticed he pulled on Tanjiro's haori while yelling you were the Masked Slayer.

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