Chapter 10

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How am I gonna face him? - Well both Wave and Pang had the same question in their mind. They never realized that they were quite happy with Mr. Pom's misunderstanding. They just felt sad because what if the other person didn't like it.

Ohm : You have been staring at the ceiling for past 20 mins. Do you want to share something with us?

Namtaan : He would only share things with Wave. Ohm, just leave him alone. He is too busy to mind us. ( Namtaan's jealousy found its way but as she said Pang was too busy to even notice it.)

Pang: Will you guys stop irritating me? I am already tensed and please don't ask me why?


Is Wave homophobic? No, I don't think so else he must have flinched when Mr. Pom indirectly called us gays. But, even if he is not homophobic, it doesn't mean that he is gay or he likes me right. God! What will his reaction be like if I out of the blue confess that I like him. Wait, did I just think of confessing my huge ass crush to him? Will I make a fool out of myself? Should I just behave like nothing happened yesterday?

As Pang was totally into his thoughts, he never noticed Wave staring at him. Wave, on the other hand has planned to confess that he likes Pang. He had a plan;)

After the class

Wave: Pang, you don't have to come to my room today. I am going on a date today.

A/N: Did something break now?

Pang: What?!..Did I hear it right? You are going on a date today? With whom? When? Where?!

Wave: Pang, calm down. Will tell you if everything goes fine. I really like that person you know. So, gonna try and say what I feel. (He voluntarily didn't mention the gender)

Pang: (mind voice) Shit! Shit! Shit! He likes someone else and is already gonna confess :((


(Trio in Pang's room)

Pang: Guyssss..I need your helppp

Ohm: Oh, you finally remembered that we it?

Namtaaan: You come only when you need us right..fine continue what help?

Pang: Don't get shocked but I like Wave!

Ohm and Namtaan: And we knew it long back. So, what?

(Though Namtaan is sad about her one sided crush and has not moved on completely, she has accepted the fact that Pang likes Wave)

Ohm: Gonna ask him out? Wait, will he ask you out or should you ask him out first?

Namtaan: Stop with your BS Ohm before you receive a punch from either of us. So, What help do you need from us Pang?

Pang: The point is he is going on a date with someone today and it seems he already likes that person and is gonna even ask her out. (His voice trailed down as he was on the verge of crying)

Ohm: Shit! So, you have a one sided crush as well( Oh no)..I mean he doesn't like you back or what?

Namtaan: Is Wave even gay?

Pang: Will you guys stop taunting me and please help me out?

Ohm and Namtaan: What do you want us to do?

Pang: Ohm, you first follow Wave to whichever shitty restaurant he has planned to go and find who the hell he likes.

[(Pang mind voice) : I really hope that person doesn't turn up..No no just have an accident or something..Shit, did I just think that? Wave, you are driving me crazy.]

Meanwhile, I will just get ready and come with namtaan to the same know make it look coincidental.

Ohm: Then what?

Pang(shouts): I don't will I confess..What if he asks that person out and she accepts?..Wait, who will say no to someone as genius as Wave?..Shit!



Realllllllly  sorry guys..had a long semester...had to literally do tons of quizzes, assignments and exams. Forgive me please!

Aaaand my semester break started just a couple of days ago :))

So, expect some updates this month and I really hope you guys would show some love and support for my work.

Do comment, vote and give me feedback if you have any..

Thanks to all the readers :))

The Gifted : Do you love me?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ