Chapter 6

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"Why the hell are you acting weird huh? like you just seem lost " Ohm asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing....I am just sick"..Yes I have become a crazy person who can't stop imagining how it would be to touch that bloody curve on Wave's face.  We both are gonna try rebelling against this bloody school system.

That night Pang could not manage to fall asleep. The thought of meeting Wave the next day after a whole damn week gave him so much happiness.  He could not explain the reason though. He never bothered to care about the reason to be honest.

Why the hell did he not visit him in his dorm? He didn't know. It just felt too much for him to handle maybe. He could not knock onto Wave's door and if he could what would he say : 'Sorry I badly wanted to see you and I don't really know why? '. He just shuddered at the countless possibilities  of how Wave would mock him. He himself could not help but cringe at the thought.


Wave was a greeted by a warm smile from Pang while the rest of the class shot him murderous glares. He tried being indifferent though had a small smile plastered on his face unknowingly the whole day. Wave noticed every single action of Pang. The way he was talking with Ohm and avoiding eye contact with Namtarn. Well, Why did he do that now? The way he argued on whether the trio would go to the canteen for lunch or the restaurant. The way he smiled, sneered, laughed and enjoyed himself.

Wave tried imagining himself doing whatever he saw with Pang and that brought the said plastered smile on his face. He has by now realized that he was not just affected but attracted to this boy. Well, he was not a gay or was he?

The whole set of thoughts only left him with 2 questions : 1. Why was Pang avoiding Namtarn's eyes? and 2. Did Pang felt the same way for him as he felt? He had to find out.

At the canteen :

" You better come with me to the library okay?" Namtarn told.

" Fine..."

" By the way how are your classes going on Pang?"

" I just sleep through most of the classes you" Pang replied truthfully but not meeting Namtarn's eyes.

Namtarn who has by now understood that something was wrong with Pang questioned : " What happened Pang? Why do you not look at me for once while you speak?

"And why do you keep staring at Wave's desk for who knows how many times? " Ohm continued.

" Ah....its just...nothing guys..I am just thinking about my family and zoning out you know" he knew he had messed up with the worst lie ever possible. He thought his friends would see through his lie. But surprisingly Namtarn replied with an " Oh". But Ohm and Namtarn both knew that he was hiding something.

Wave who had listened to every bit of this conversation sitting at the opposite table facing Pang's back could not help but smile. Pang keeps staring at his desks stealing glances of him. The thought in itself made his heart flutter. This felling was new or better say foreign to him. Though scared at what all could possibly go wrong he could not help but enter into I am-gonna try-this-feeling state.

He didn't know that he had taken his life's best decision right at that moment.


That evening Pang and Wave met at the terrace as planned earlier. Both of them had this I-have-gone-crazy grin on their face. They felt happy watching each other. This lasted only for few minutes as Wave put on his poker face mask.

" So..what are we actually gonna do other than I watching you smile like an idiot? " Wave was the first to break the silence.

"Oh..I have collected some info on the dark history of this school.."

"Well me too.."

" Where are we gonna sit and plan this whole thing ?"

" In the dorm I guess..evening 7 at my dorm cool?"

"Fine".... Wow! I am gonna visit your dorm for the first time. Pang was just too excited at this thought that he broke out with a 'stupid grin'  in Wave's words.


A/N :

Don't forget to check out my short story. Thanks in advance!

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