Reality vs Fantasy

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October 19, 2020

Alas!  to my dream in the small world I built, I want to say goodbye to the small world called Imaginary dream.

I used to imagine a life of grandeur not to myself, but to someone whom I want to be born in this small world, and those Imaginations are built in my small world.

A world full of surreal with flying colors, only by then I am immerse in this small world, while I daze on the the big world called earth.

I just realized that fantasy and reality are not meant to be linked.

This is where I should draw the line, when I saw the manifestation of my absurd dream.

I just want to stop dreaming in a world where your wildest imagination can never surpass reality.

In the distant future (Nov. 5, 2020)

"Even though I knew all my day dreams are futile, I still dream of the empty substance."

The "Eye" IWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt