Prologue...(Of sorts)

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Daniel winced at the sound of it dropping, running into another room. He hoped she hadn't seen him..oh wait. Wait. She couldn't- he was dead. He hated reminding himself of that. Although, he supposed it could come in handy since nobody could see him. He smiled deviously and thought of what to do next. Watching Emily's reaction made him laugh- she looked so...confused. He stopped laughing when he noticed the gun in her hand and the bags under her eyes. "Okay. Now I feel like a jerk." Daniel muttered to himself, feeling bad he woke her up.

Emily squinted at the picture, putting it back on the table. It had probably just been too close to the edge, although she'd thought it had been leaning against the wall. She shook her head and walked back into her bedroom, looking behind her every so often. It was like someone was watching her.

Daniel rolled his eyes, following her. "Wait!" He watched her look around, hoping she'd heard him. She obviously hadn't because she climbed back into bed, setting the gun on the table. He sighed, reaching for her gun. Surprisingly, he could actually grasp it. "I didn't want to have to resort to this, Em." He carried it into the hall and set it on the ground, next to the picture that he knocked down for the second time. If this doesn't convince her I'm here, then I don't know what will.

Emily sat upright, looking around. She instinctively reached for her gun, but it wasn't there. "Whoever you are, can we stop playing and just get to the action?" She got out of bed and headed into the hall.

Daniel smirked. "Sure, I've always been an action kind of guy."

Emily looked down the hall and spotted both her gun and the same picture on the floor again- still not broken. She picked both up and shoved the gun in the pocket of her pajama pants. This can't be a coincidence.

"No, it can't be." He replied, reading her thoughts.

"Daniel?" Emily set the picture back down and looked around. She still felt another presence in the room. When it came to life after death, she wasn't exactly your go-to-girl. Ever since she'd began planning her revenge as a little girl, the only thought of death was for Victoria and Conrad Grayson.

Daniel smiled, pleased that his plan had worked. He walked over and purposely brushed into her, as if to say 'Yes, I'm here'.

She felt something, she wasn't sure what, but it was something. "Is it really you?" She wasn't sure how she felt about this, even if it was real. What was she supposed to say to him? Thank you for saving me and dying in the process?

He grinned, clapping. What to do next?

She had so much she wanted to say, but what if he wasn't really here? This wouldn't be the first time her imagination had gotten the best of her. "How are you?" Emily didn't want him to think she was having a hard time dealing with everything.

"I've been better." He responded, knowing she couldn't hear him. "How are you?" He watched in awe as she responded. He knew it was just by chance, but he wanted to believe she'd actually heard him.

Emily smiled sadly. "I'm okay. It's been hard-"

"No you're not. I'm dead, and you're still lying to me." Daniel chuckled, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. Maybe she couldn't feel it, but he could.

She stumbled into the wall, shocked by the feeling of something- or someone. She rolled her eyes, stifling a laugh. This was definitely Daniel.

Daniel smiled, stepping back. "I just wanted to let you know, I love you."

Emily frowned when the feeling was gone. It had been so full of warmth and happiness.

He squeezed her hand, taking one last look at her. "Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."

Emily smiled, thinking back to the night of the surprise party Daniel and Ashley threw her. That was the same night they'd first kissed. What was it Daniel had said? Some quote from Oliver Wendell Holme's poem? She didn't know why she'd suddenly thought of that.

Daniel closed his eyes, bringing himself back onto the beach with the real Emily Thorne. When he opened his eyes again, she was watching the waves. She turned, smiling at him. "You ready?"

He sighed, taking one last look at the place he'd spent a majority of his life. "Yes." Goodbye, Hamptons.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's do this thing!" She grabbed his hand, running towards the waves.

Was he actually going to heaven? He'd assumed he'd reserved himself a spot in hell, right next to his father. Daniel laughed, feeling himself pulled towards the water. The waves washed over his feet, and then his knees, and then his whole body. Amanda looked back at him and smiled. He looked down, studying the water for the last time. When he looked back up, he was definitely not in The Hamptons anymore. And to think of all people, Amanda- er, Emily- had led him here. He looked around, seeing many familiar faces. Was that...Declan Porter? And Great-Grandpa Grayson. And... "Dad?" Daniel watched as the no-longer-gray-haired-man approached him. "Son." Conrad Grayson held out his hand. "Can we start over?" He genuinely smiled, something Daniel hadn't seen him do in years- or maybe not ever. Daniel thought for a minute. If his father had managed to escape Hell, he was probably worth giving a second chance. As he shook his father's hand, Daniel felt something. Something he'd never felt before, at least not this strong. It was happiness.

Emily held onto the hallway table for support. Her knees felt weak, and she felt incredibly sad. She'd gone from high to low in a matter of seconds after Daniel's visit.

"Ems!" Nolan rushed up the stairs, grabbing her arms. "Hey, you okay? I heard a crash and got up here as soon as I could-"

"Nolan, I'm fine." Emily assured him, gently pushing his arms away. She needed space. And sleep.

"You sure? Don't lie to me Ems. You look like you've seen a ghost."

She certainly had. "No- no. Daniel just-" Emily stopped herself, looking down. He was going to think she was crazy.

Instead, he hugged her. "We all miss him, Ems. Even I do- which is saying something because I really hated him and he made me want to throw up and I-" He was interrupted by Emily swatting him with a laugh. "There's that smile." Nolan smiled back at her. "But he's gone. You're just tired, and it's very apparent you miss him. Let's just get you some rest."

Emily restrained herself from saying anything more, realizing he thought she was just hallucinating from lack of sleep. "Yeah, you're right."

Nolan raised his eyebrows at her lack of fight and shrugged. He helped her into bed, leaving her alone to rest.

Emily stared at the ceiling, clasping her hands over her stomach. "I love you too." That was something she'd been meaning to say for a long time.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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