Zen slowly moved and laid beside him. He gently nuzzled his neck.

He started shuffling after around 20 minutes.

Kai, Zen and i looked at him eagerly.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

He smiled softly when his eyes landed on us.

We smiled as well.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

He thought for a while before replying.


We chuckled.

Mom? I called her through the mind link.

Yeah? She responded.

Can you bring some light food to my room?

Didn't you guys just eat? I'm pretty sure Kai brought food to your room.

Forth's here. It's for him.

We'll be there in 15 minutes!!

I chuckled.

Forth slowly sat up.

Zen moved and put his head on his lap.

Forth smiled and patted him gently.

He looked at the kids.

"Those pendants...." He turned to us.

"Moon goddess brought them when she came with you. She said they have their blessings." I explained.

He smiled and nodded.

Around 15 minutes later the door opened and mom, dad, Beam, Kit, Yo, and Ming came in.

"You're back!" Kit and Yo jumped onto him, squishing Zen's head.

Hey! I'm right here! Zen yelled through the mindlink.

"Oh oops sorry." They sat up and scratched their heads sheepishly.

We chuckled at their antics.

"Here's the food." Mom brought the tray close.

I took it from her.

Zen, Kit and Yo got up.

I put the tray on Forth's lap.

He slowly ate it.

He didn't manage to finish everything though.

"I can't eat that much right now. Maybe later." He said.

Have you been sleeping for the last month there? Kai asked slowly.

Forth nodded.

"I passed out after giving birth to them. This is the first time i woke up."

"That explains why you can't eat much. You haven't eaten for a whole month." Beam mumbled.

Forth nodded again.

"Do you want me to get something light? Like some fruits?" Mom asked.

"No. For now i don't feel like eating anything. Maybe later." He smiled.

She nodded.

Just then we heard a small squeak.

We turned to the kids.

Falynn was starting to wake up.

Forth smiled and moved closer to them.

A bright smile formed on Falynn's face when she saw him.

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