Chapter 12

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Kit's pov:

Forth's wolf is so cool! It's like twice the size of a full grown alpha wolf!

Is he really an omega? My wolf Damien asked.

He said he is. I don't think he was lying. I answered.

What kind of omega is that huge?! Plus white fur and gold eyes?! I've never seen a wolf like that! Damien said.

I also never saw a wolf like that. But i knew Forth didn't mean any harm.

He is craving for love. He wears long sleeves all the time because he doesn't want us to see his scars. We already saw them when he and pha were sleeping though.

I can tell he's not going to hurt anyone. Atleast not any of us.

I was so surprised when i saw him standing there with a cub on his back and three rouges unconscious on the ground.

He must have sensed them and ran after them to save the cub.

Even when he was so weak he ran to save the cub without caring about himself.

Now me and Yo are sitting on the bed near him leaning on the headboard while he's sleeping peacefully between us. He's been sleeping for the last 5 hours.

"I have never seen a werewolf like him before. I don't know why but my gut tells me to trust him completely even though he's so unusual." Yo said softly.

"Yeah. I can't figure it out either." I replied.

We were jolted out of our thoughts when Forth started waking up. He blinked a few times before looking around and noticing us.

"Hey. How long have i been out?" He smiled.

"Around 5 hours." I said.

He nodded and sat up.

"I want to stand up." He looked at us in turns.

"Are you sure? You should rest more." Yo said worriedly.

"It's ok. I feel fully rested now. And if i fall you guys will catch me right?" He smiled happily.

We couldn't hekp but smile as well.

I got off the bed and let him stand up. Yo came over to our side and stood near him.

He closed his eyes and suddenly gold dust started forming around him and his body started growing.

We were completely taken aback and took a few steps back.

He grew taller- atleast 6 inches- and his muscles looked more toned. The t-shirt which was a little loose on him was now tightly hugging his body. The sweatpants also looked too short for him now.

He then opened his eyes and smiled at us.

I couldn't believe what i just saw.

Did he just have a growth spurt?! Isn't he 20?! Damien yelled.

No. This wasn't just a growth spurt. He looked more powerful now. As if he had trained for years. He gives off a sense of strength which can rival an alpha's.

"What in the world?!" suddenly unlce David's voice rang through the room.

We turned towards the door which was now open. There stood uncle David, aunt Mia and pha.

Pha's pov:

Is it just me or is he a lot taller? And were those clothes always so tight on him? Zen mumbled shocked.

Why does it look like he has trained for years and has gotten a lot stronger? Not only his body but even the vibe he gives off has changed. He used to give off a weak submissive vibe but now its more powerful. He could even be mistaken for an alpha.

"Ahh... I guess i have a lot of explaining to do?" he scratched his head.

"Yes you do! And don't leave anything out!" Dad yelled.

"Honey you're going to scare him." Mom calmed him down.

Dad immediately calmed down and looked a little guilty.

At first i was also afraid his voice would scare Forth but his reaction caught me completely off guard.

"Of course. But can i change into some bigger clothes first?" He asked calmly.

He then turned to me.

"Ahh you can choose any from the closet." I said.

He nodded and went into the walk in closet and closed the door.

He used to reach only up till my shoulder so i gave him some of my old clothes. But now he's the same height as me so he's going to have to wear some of my current ones.

" What in the world just happened?" Yo mumbled softly.

"Can you explain what you saw?" Mom asked them.

"He woke up and he said he wanted to stand up. So we got off the bed and stood near him in case he fell. But he closed his eyes and suddenly gold dust started forming around him. His body started growing taller and his muscles got more toned." Kit explained.

" It's as if he had trained for years..." Yo said dazedly.

" And even his personality. Is it just me or does he look more confident now?" Kit asked.

" Yeah. If it was the old Forth, he would have flinched back when dad yelled at him..." I said.

Just then Forth came out wearing  new clothes.

"It's going to be a long story so i think we should sit down somewhere and talk." He said.

"Let's go to my office. We can talk there." dad spoke up.

We all made our way to his office. After we all settles down on the couches we stared at Forth waiting for his explanation.

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