Chapter Sixty-Three

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Selene insisted that Breccan, Alma and I stay within Silvano Manor. They didn't trust Lace and her final intentions. They housed Alma and I in a small brick house, in sight of the manor. I would have been happy anywhere as long as I was with Alma.

She's sitting across from me with her feet propped up, sunk into the couch reading a book. I lean over to grab my boots. My movement disturbs her, and she jumps off the couch. She's radiant. Vampiracy suits her well. She flourished. The only thing I miss are her little freckles, replaced with flawless peachy skin.

Her hair has grown to her shoulders, rivaling mine. Just last week Gabby cut mine for the first time. Now, it hangs long and braided over my shoulder. And the most beautiful red. I've never let myself like my red hair. It always reminded me of who I was—but never again will I hide it.

"Breccan said he's got plans for us tonight." Her smile is big and bright and toothy.

"I know, I'm just heading up to the house for a bit."

She stares at me, silver lining her eyes. And I hate it when this happens.

"Stop looking at me like that," I say turning away.

"I'm just so happy. We wouldn't have all this if it weren't for you. You were so brave—you saved our lives."

"Alma—stop it. I can't deal with this for the next three hundred years."

She laughs swinging her arms around my neck. I hold her. I lied. This would never get old, even after a million.

She pulls away. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"You're fine. Stay and read. It's nice to see you doing something normal." I give her arm a little squeeze.

"Don't be too long, Breccan wants us to meet him soon."

"I wouldn't miss it."

I nearly run into Julian as I open the door. Fixing the cuff of his white button-up shirt, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. That explains the fresh lilies we always have on the table. Something has changed in him over the past few weeks. I give him a behave yourself glare before pushing past, but I know Alma will put him in his place if necessary.

As I walk up to the manor house I hear a familiar laugh and high-pitched giggle. Across the road Breccan leans against the railing of a small white front porch. And the giggle came from—Gabby? I nearly trip over a stone and fall on my face. I wave before continuing to the house.

Word of Victor's death spread through the communities. As the Ambassador to the Authority, Lazarus and the other members of his council felt confident in appointing Reuben as the Master of Ettore Estates. They have great optimism in the community's survival and are looking forward to this new reign and rekindling the relationship.

I knock out of politeness before opening the door. When no one greets me, I stroll into the parlor, admiring a large painting in a mahogany frame. It was a sunset the color of peaches and bursting with gold.

Suddenly, Talum materializes next to me. "I have something I want to show you," he says. "But Laz wants to talk to you first. Also, hi."

I bite back a smile and follow Talum through the living room to an open door. Lazarus sits behind a large oak desk with several folders piled in front of him. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck.

"Charley. I'm glad you stopped in." He glances up from the piles. Rueben has brought us the remaining documents from the cabinets. The files—they were a list of names."

My stomach flips. "Were they all people from the lab?"

Lazarus nods. "And their families."

"He killed a lot of people, didn't he?"

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