I turned back to jarred, my back leaning on the counter while I waited for the waffles to heat up. I've been so caught up in my drama that I hadn't noticed he looked skinner. An unhealthy skinny, it looked like he hadn't eaten in days and he had dark circles under his eyes as if he hasn't gotten any sleep either. I frowned. He looked drained. You could see it in his eyes and appearance. He must have noticed me staring because he turned his head to another side, away from my view.

I walked over to him so that I was standing in front of him. I cupped the side of his face softly and looked into his eyes. They held so much emotion but mostly pain. "What is it?" I whispered. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"We lost the baby. Ellie had a miscarriage. The doctors said there was nothing they could do," He sniffled, his voice cracking. He opened his eyes, they were filled with tears just waiting to be released. My heart shattered. They've been trying for a kid for over four years. They were so happy when they found out they were expecting. I felt so selfish. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't find the right words. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I kissed his cheek and put my mouth to his ear, "I'm so sorry. If you need anything and I mean anything let me know okay? I'm here for you. How's Ellie holding up?" He hugged me back almost immediately. I felt his body move up and down from the sniffling.

"I-I don't know. She left. She said she needed some time to think." he muffled, his head was buried into my now wet shoulder. I moved my hand up and down his back in hopes it would bring him even the tiniest bit of comfort. "It's gonna be okay," I whispered over and over again.

It's been about a week or so. After breakfast jarred and I took rose to school then we went out to eat breakfast once more at a diner. Once we were done we both went our separate ways. I went to work and I haven't a clue where jarred went. Other than that it was a pretty plain and boring day besides what jarred had told me. It was now Friday, the day I dreaded. I had agreed to speak with Nathaniel for the sake of our daughters' childhood.

Growing up, my mother and father would argue a lot. To the point where, at some point in my early childhood he left. He left for over two years until he finally came back on my 8th birthday. I was five the first time, I remember it hurting so much because I thought it was my fault. I believed he didn't want to see me cause I was a burden to him. I wasn't the brightest kid back then so I felt like he was ashamed of me so he left. The second time he left I was twelve, I learned that I wasn't the reason, it was because of the constant bickering between my mother and him. I don't want the rose to feel the way I did so I called him that day and told him we could talk.

A soft knock against the door brought me out of my thoughts. I took a breath and walked to the door. The anger I felt for his was still present. I opened the door and there he stood, lilies in hand. He wore a black suit that fit him perfectly, as if he had it made specifically for him. His hair was messy but in a way that made it seem like it wasn't. Like he'd spent hours perfecting the look.

"For you," he spoke up breaking the silence between us. He held out the hand that was holding the flowers. I hesitantly reached out my hand and grabbed them, the smell it carried immediately hitting me. I closed my eyes for a quick second and inhaled the scent discreetly. Ever since I was a little kid, lilies have been my favorite. I loved the way they smelled. "Thank you," I muttered and stared at him awkwardly.

We stood in silence once more. He cleared his throat and leaned back on his heels, "Shall we go in?".

"Right sorry." I opened the door wider and moved to the side, allowing him to enter. He nodded his head and walked inside. His eyes wandered all around the room. "We can talk in the kitchen," I said and walked towards the kitchen. The sound of his footsteps was heard not far behind me. Once we reached the kitchen I pulled out a chair, too tired to stand.

"May I?" he asked once I sat down, his hands on top of the chair that happened to be closest to me. I nodded my head and gestured towards the seat furthest from me. He frowned a little before nodding and walking towards the chair and sitting down. "I want to spend time with rose at least an hour each day as well as have her with me all Saturday, day and night." He stated. The tone of his voice made it seem like I had no choice but to agree which angered me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "No." The nerve he had to demand such things.

I crossed my arms, "You can spend time with rose on the days I work late and only then. She will not be spending the night at your place and you will only be allowed to spend time with her if another person is present, given your history with alcohol I do not trust you to be alone with My daughter. Those are my terms. " I stated, my voice was steady and clear that even I was amazed that I didn't stutter.

"That is insane. I would only get to see her twice a week! She is My daughter too you know or did you forget that it takes two to create life. No. No, I don't accept "your terms" they're unreasonable. Cmon now Lilian, I'm to be only allowed with her if someone else is present? that's ridiculous and you know it." He argued. He got up from his chair and stood behind it. His hands were tightly gripping the top of the chair, his veins popping out. He was angry, that was clear as day but I didn't care.

I stood up from my chair seconds after him. "Those are my terms. You can either agree to them or you will simply not see her." He scoffed. "No." was the last thing he said before he angrily walked out of the kitchen. Moments later the sound of a door slamming was heard.


i feel like this chapter is all over the place but anywhoooo whatcha think?

so i haven't updated in months.. nothing new and i can't promise i won't do it again since i often don't know what to write. Or i do and don't know how to put it into words but i hope you guys like this one in the meantime.

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