Chapter 16

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"I'm going to make sure you never see her again." He pulled away interlocking his gaze with mine for a moment before scanning the rest of my face. I stood there staggered. He did not just say that.

As if he was satisfied with the reaction he caused, the corner of his mouth twitched upward ever so slightly but disappeared in the same second. Blink, and you would have missed as I'm sure everyone in the crowd did but I saw it.

He took a step back and turned his attention towards the crowd giving them his infamous smile, showing off his straight pearly whites. Throwing his hands in the air, his voice roared over the music one last time, "Bring out more champagne, and keep it coming! Enjoy yourselves everyone!"

The sound of numerous doors blasting open echoed throughout the room before revealing thirty or so servers walking in straight lines, the scene almost coming from a movie. Each holding a platter of 6 champagne glasses in one hand, even they were dressed in attire that looked to have costed three times what I was wearing.

In that moment I felt something soft touch my chin and a small push, it was Sebastian closing my mouth, "Don't want to catch any flies now do we." He whispered into my ear. I hadn't even realized my mouth was opened or for how long. God, if you can hear me. Take me now. I just wanted to melt into a puddle and disappear this was all getting too much.

Everyone's attention was no longer on us, the drinks seemed to have caught their focus more. The music was back to normal and they had went back to conversing upon themselves.

"Lily, you know it's always a pleasure to have you around but with the current circumstances, I don't think you coming here is very appropriate. I think it's best you speak to my lawyer in a more suitable location," Nathanial spoke up, his body was fully turned towards me. His face was expressionless now, no smug look, no smile, nothing but the eyes never lie.

I knew that look. Deep down he didn't like what he was doing but this was his flight or fight response, his being primarily to fight at whatever cost. He'll do whatever it takes, no matter what or who else gets hurt in the process to protect those he loves. In this case it was now rose.

Sebastian took a step forward from beside me and stood next to Nathaniel, a wide grin plastered on his face. "That would be me, nice to meet you. This is my business card." He extended his hand out holding the same card from earlier , with the most serious lawyer tone I've ever heard. Is everything a joke to this guy.

I looked down at his hand and back up at him, there was no sign of him joking evident on his face, you would have thought this really was our first time meeting. No wonder he's a lawyer.

"Listen, given our history, I'll give you the courtesy of handling this quietly and quickly before things get messy and out of hand. The new conditions now are, Rose will live with me at ALL times however you will be allowed to have her once a week for a full day, with NO supervision because unlike you I trust you won't put OUR daughter in harms way.-" his voice was monotone but raised an octave making sure to emphasize certain words.

"-All holidays and birthdays will be spent with me, you are welcome to come to those events. That should sum the main conditions, we can go over the rest whe-," My body reacting on its own did the one thing that I also believed to be appropriate in this situation.

Hearing him go on and on about his insane conditions over my daughter who I spent nine months carrying and endured endless hours of pain bringing her into this world while he was off god knows where, and him saying there was even more just sent me over the edge.

It felt like an out of body experience and everything was slow motion and before I knew it my right fist was making contact with his eye. Why I didn't just slap him instead? I have no idea, but im glad I didn't. This felt so much better. He staggered backwards and held his nose, muttering fuck. The sound made from the contact was loud enough to cause those around us to snap their heads once again towards us and gasp at the scene. A couple flashes going off. Fuck.

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