Chapter 8

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I looked at the time, 11:25. He's late. Two hours late. He's never late to something that's important to him. I checked my phone once more to see if he had responded to the numerous texts I sent him, he didn't.

"Mommy, is daddy almost here?" Rose asked with a small frown. I looked down at her, she was so excited about spending the day with him that she stayed up late yesterday anxious about today. All she would talk about from the day I told her was how she couldn't wait for today. How she couldn't wait to show him her dress that she picked out in his favorite color.

"I'm sure he's on his way pea, let's just wait a little more," I said once more as I kneeled down and moved a strand of hair out of her face. I told her the same thing an hour ago when she first asked, at this point I didn't think he was going to come but I didn't have the heart to tell her that. She nodded and smiled a little before she walked off into the living room but I knew she was sad.

I sighed and looked at my phone once more and seen I gotten a message. I quickly unlocked my phone but to my disappointment it was just Jarred asking what time we were leaving to which I responded soon.

Words can't even begin to explain how mad I am at Nathaniel right now. He said he'd be here, why would he say that if he didn't plan on showing up. I decided to call him one more time. I dialed his number and put the phone next to my ear and waited and the phone ringed but got no answer. That's it, I'm done trying.

"Pea, cmon lets go," I yelled from the kitchen as I got my car keys and purse. Seconds later rose came running into the kitchen with a smile on her face that quickly faded as she looked around. "Okay," She whispered as her eyes became glossy. She took a deep breathe before wiping away the tears that were starting to drop from her now reddish eyes.

I walked to her and kneeled down so that we were eye to eye. I wiped away the remaining tears and caressed her cheek, "Don't cry baby. We don't have to go if you don't want to anymore. We can stay here and eat all the junk food you want." She smiled a little at the mention of junk food but quickly faded.

It was a father-daughter dance that the school held every year so I know how upset she must be. She was finally going to be able to participate and dance with her dad like all the other little girls her age instead of dancing with jarred for once. I knew how much she looked forward to it so I doubt she'd want to go and see every girl dancing with their dad as she watched.

She nodded her head. I hugged her tightly and whispered 'I love you' to her ear before standing up. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile before once again going off into the living room.

What could he possibly be doing that's more important than his own daughter. "Rose," I called out,"I'll be back, Jarreds in the guest room if you need anything okay?"

"Okay," She yelled back.

I swear he better have a good excuse for not showing up. I grabbed my keys once again before heading out the door and walking to my car.

Once I got inside and started the engine I realized I didn't know where he lived. I mean it can't be that hard to find out, right? He was on tv so that means the paparazzi probably knew where he lived.

I got my phone and searched up his name and to my luck there was someone on live claiming to be at his house.

When did he get so famous? Ever since that day I didn't dare to look at things that would remind me of him, besides the hoodie I kept of his but other than that I never dared to search up his name on media. I knew he was coming up on something big at his company but he never told me, he said it was a surprise. I guess he succeed then.

I clicked on the video and there stood a girl, I didn't pay much attention to her but I seen the street she was on, I know exactly where that is. I put my phone down and began to drive.

Short chapter but what y'all thinkkk?
also i'm changing roses age to six instead of five and she's in first grade.

*not edited so comment if you see a mistake*

goal for this chapter:
30 votes and 20 comments

so far we've reached my goal for votes so thank you guys for that and thanks for sticking to this story even after i didn't update for a long time.
anddd a special thank you to those who comment ❤️

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