chapter 17: 500 miles

Start from the beginning

"We're like on top of the coordinates and I can't hear another person around. Or smell any werewolves." Liam pointed out. "What if Scott didn't tell them we're coming?"

"He said he told them." Theo sighed.

"Last I heard he said he told them I was coming. What if he didn't mention you?"

"Then we'll tell them who I am. The McCall pack's babysitter." Liam was starting to think he spent more than half of his time with Theo just rolling his eyes. "He would have told them. He doesn't trust me enough not to warn them exactly who i am."

"He wouldn't tell them everything."

"He'll tell them enough. Doubt i'm going to have the warmest welcome."

"Then why are we even here?" Liam snapped. "Why the hell would you walk into a pack of unknown werewolves expecting them to hate you already?"

"Guess i like the attention."

"Theo!" Liam hissed. Theo let out a slow breath through his nose.

"A minute ago you wanted to howl for them and now you want to leave?"

"Well it's not like I wanted to be here in the first place! If we can't even find them there's no point being here so we can just turn around and-"

"We told Scott we would be here. If he finds out we weren't-"

"So we tell him we tried and we could find it. By the time we get back to the truck and call him it'll be too late to hike back out here so we can just spend the night how I wanted-" Theo let out a dramatic groan, running a hand through his sweaty hair.

"That's a great idea Liam. Apart from the part where you lose control and kill someone."

"I'm in control!" Liam said, forcing his voice to stay steady and quiet.

"For now. Sure, what about when the moon rises? You're strong when you're angry and a pain in the ass to keep track of on a good day let alone when you're out for blood. I'm not having you tear up my seats or kill someone because you wanted to prove you could wear big boy pants." Theo ranted. Liam heard a crunch of a twig, his eyes shifting to behind Theo.


"No. Liam! We have walked for like six god damn hours I'm not turning around and making Scott think I lied to him, because we both know he would say it's my fault-" Liam's eyes widened as a wolf inched out from the underbrush, coarse grey fur coating its body.


"I AM TALKING! - Because you have a problem hanging with some bullshit hermit pack for one god-damn night-"

"WELL SHUT UP BECAUSE THERE IS A WOLF BEHIND YOU!" Liam screamed. Theo's words died on his tongue. He turned slowly. The grey wolf paused, eyes settled on Theo.

"So there is." Theo hummed softly. The wolf changed, bones creaking as she shifted back into a woman in her early forties. Her brown eyes flashed red. "Are you Sammy or is there about to be a fight?" The woman smiled in a way that Liam hoped meant that she was the alpha they were looking for.

"Hello." Liam said, lifting his hand in a jilted wave. The woman's eyes shifted to him, her head tilting slow and steady like a robot.

"You must be Liam." She said, Liam was pleasantly surprised to find she didn't talk like C3PO, instead it was soft and warm.

"You must be cold." Theo muttered shooting Liam a glare. Liam's eyebrow pinched in confusion. He hadn't done anything.

"Which would make you Theo." She said, Liam could have believed she hadn't heard Theo's comment if it weren't for the crows feet crinkling around her eyes in amusement. "I fear I interrupted a conversation. What was it you were saying about 'bullshit hermit pack?' don't let me stop you." Liam's eyes widened Theo however just laughed.

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