I groaned.

"He won't tell me whether it's two girls and a boy or a girl and two boys. So we only know we should buy for both boys and girls." I said.

They nodded.

"How about we just make rainbow theme?" Yo suggested.

We looked at him.

"We can't make a certain colour since we don't know exactly whther it's going two boys and a girl or a boy and two girls. So how about we just include all the colours?" He explained.

That sounds like a good idea. Kai smiled.

We nodded in agreement.

"And we can just buy enough clothes for two girls and two boys. It won't be a bad thing either way." Kit added.

We nodded again.

"Ok let's get going! We have only 4 days!" Mom clapped her hands.

With that we started our shopping spree for the kids.

Four days later.

We're all standing in my bedroom waiting for any news.

We can't reach Forth and Kai can't reach moon goddess.

I'm pacing around the room biting my nails nervously.

Please be ok. Please be safe. Let my kids and mate be ok.

Forth's pov:

"Aaaaarrggghh!!" I yelled loudly when a wave of pain hit me.

I gripped Aeolus's and Poseidon's hands tightly.

They were channeling mana into me making sure my mana doesn't run out of control and is stable.

You can do it. Take deep breaths and push. Selene encouraged me.

I took deep breaths and pushed again when another wave of pain hit.


I can see the head. Keep going Forth. Haphaestus said.

"AAAAAAAAAAARRRGGHHH!!" I pushed as hard as i could.

A small baby's cries echoed in the room.

I slumped onto the bed.

It's the girl. Selene smiled warmly.

She quickly cut the umbilical chord and gave her to Tudishen who started cleaning her up.

Ok two more to go. She looked at me.

I nodded.

I took deep breaths and pushed again as a wave of pain crashed onto me.


After a few more excruciating pushes and unbearably painful waves of pain, another small baby's cries echoed.

It's one of the boys. Selene cut the umbilical chord and gave him to Haphaestus.

I felt exhausted. I didn't have any strength. I was panting and sweating profusely.

Forth, just one more. You can do this. For your children. Selene said.

She channeled some mana into me making me feel a bit better.

I braced myself as another massive wave of pain hit.

I pushed as hard as i could.


After another multiple excruciating minutes the last baby's cries was heard.

I slumped onto the bed heaving trying to catch my breath. I could still feel pain from my lower body.

You did great Forth. Your children are beautiful. Aeolus gently ran his fingers through my hair.

Him and Poseidon channeld some more mana into me healing my body.

"I want to see...." I said weakly.

Even though i felt so exhausted and wanted to rest so badly i wanted to see them before sleeping.

Selene, Haphaestus and Tudishen brought them close to me.

Falynn. Tudishen.

Faine. Selene.

And Felix. Haphaestus.

I smiled weakly.

They looked beautiful.

My eyelids got heavier and i fell into a deep slumber.

Pha's pov:

It's 7 o'clock in the evening and still no sign of any of them.

My worry is increasing with every passing minute.

Suddenly 3 figures appeared near the bed.

I immediately recognised them.

Haphaestus, Tudishen and Aeolus.

My eyes wandered to the ones in their arms.

They were carrying three beautiful children.

Tears formed in my eyes.

We all immediately rushed to them.

Where's Forth? Kai asked.

His mana is still highly unstable. We can't bring him here yet. And he's currently weak due to the delivery so it will take a while for him to recover. Aeolus.

My worry increased tenfold.

Don't worry. We won't let anything happen to him. And gods are immortal so rest assured. He's going to be ok. We'll bring here when his mana has calmed down completely. Haphaestus.

We slowly nodded.

Tudishen came closer and gave me the one he was holding.

Your oldest child. Your daughter, Falynn. He smiled.

I smiled widely while looking at her sleeping peacefully.

Haphaestus gave the one he was holding to Kai.

Your second child. Your first son, Felix.

Kai looked at him teary eyed.

Aeolus gave the last one to mom.

And your youngest son, Faine.

Congratulations. You have three beautiful and healthy children. They smiled warmly.

The others surrounded us looking at them teary eyed.

Falynn in an alpha. Felix is a beta and Faine is an omega. Aeolus.

We nodded.

We'll take our leave now. Take care. Tudishen smiled.

"Thank you for bringing them to us safely. And please take care of Forth." I said.

They nodded and disappeared.

"Falynn looks just like you." Mom looked at her.

I smiled warmly.

She had light brown hair just like mine. And her facial features also resembled mine.

"Faine looks exactly like Forth." I looked at him.

He had dark brown hair just like his and his facial features were identical to his.

"Felix is a mix between you two." Beam chuckled.

We looked at him and also chuckled.

He had streaks of light brown in his otherwise dark brown hair.

"Let's get them bathed and change them into some clothes." Mom spoke up.

We nodded and went into the bathroom.

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